Info on sponge filters


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario Cananda
I posted this in the Hardware section and haven't gotten an answer, it's been up for a few days now. So I thought I would give it a whirl in here. I have been thinking about a filter for my 55 gallon that I will be getting about mid October. I don't really want a huge filter hanging off the back of my tank.My question is about sponge filters. Are they any good? I found one online for $14.99 Canadian that can handle up to 80 gallons. In town it will cost me about $30 at the one lfs. I don't know what the other guy will charge for it though. Will it be worth the money? or should I just get one that hangs off the back and live with it? Thanks for any help.

i think it is worth the money.That is for a sponge filter and yes they work great.At least for me get some more opinions though.
I have one for my female betta fry when they are big enough to go into the 20 gallon. I bought it for $10 at a lfs. Its really big and takes over like 1/5 of the swimming space. I don't know if I like it. Can anyone tell me how these filters work? Thanks,
Thank you both for your opinions. I would appreciate more though if any one else out there has experience with these filters.

are u talkin bout internal filters????

if so i got 2 in each of my tanks....and they work a treat.....ive just put a plant infront of it to hide it a bit but they work superb
Yes I am talking about an internal filter. Any one else out there use/used these types of filters?

I have a Juwel filter column in one filter - it's basically a square tube full of sponges with a powerhead at the top. Excellent for biological filtration, excellent for fish who like still water like angels and gouramis, absolutely crap at producing current for fish who like that, like minnows and guppies. It's also very useful for stuff filter floss and sponges in to mature them - I could go into business producing instant cycling media (i.e. used sponges from my filter) ;)

However, it takes up a lot of space IMHO.

On another tank I currently have a Fluval 3 internal filter. It's a little over-loaded but the tank is planted so provided its producing current for my guppies, it'll do. The main benefit to old-style Fluvals is that they are dirt cheap 2nd hand. They do contain a sponge but its only one measly little sponge.

Another tank has a Fluval 2 - same idea only smaller. It's normally the back-up filter on the tank with the Fluval 3, but I think it's possible to have too much current.

Finally I have a box filter, filled with dissected Fluval sponges and filter floss (from my Juwel), running off an air-pump. Surprisingly effective for a 12 gal tank, considering how cheap it is.

I'm saving up for an Eheim external filter to replace the Juwel one. Eheims can have anything you like in them - I'll probably use the sponges out of my Juwel and some filter floss, since I'm not convinced fancy stuff is necessary. Besides, it saves cycling a new filter.
The following is just my opinion. You say you have a 55g? Im assuming itll be a show piece and not for breeding. if this is the case I wouldnt use sponge filters. The size you need for the tank would be huge. Very unsightly I might add too (Like I said, just my opinion). Sponge filters are best used in fry rearing tanks. I dont think the water turnover would be near unuff unless you have multiple filters. I would definatly spend the extra cash and get a nice power filter.
rosierabbit said:
i have a fluval 2 in my tank, and it works great. i have a fluval 1 in my other tank which is good considering it's at least 5 years old!! so sponge filters are fine and dandy!! :D
Except that they are generally called Internal Canister Filters. Turns out my Juwel column filter is officially known as an "internal bio-filter and powerhead".

If you look on most online aquarist shops you'll see that a "sponge filter" is a small, temporary filter used for fry tanks etc.
i use a fluval 4+ and the filter that comes already installed in the juwel tanks in my rio 180.........juwel sponge filters are excellent in my opinion and i use my fluval 4 as extra filtration and to add a current in the water

i dont think they take up too much room......and i think they look better than an ugly filter and heater with wires trailing everywhere but maybe thats just me :p

was thinkin of buyin an external but dont see the point in spendin the extra money when what i got works perfectly fine

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