Info On Black Ghost Knife Fish Pls :)


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Just thinking of some options for fish for a new tank we plan on getting and was wondering about this fish.
I know it gets pretty large, but wondering what the tank size should be. Would 75gal be enough for it fully grown? Or will it need a tank that is 100+ gallons.
What is their average lifespan?
Also, how small can its tankmates be without fear of them being made in to nighttime snacks? I know tiny fish like neons are out of the question.
Also would appreciate any suggestions for tankmates for them. No angels, and no gouramis.
Only fish I know that I want are clown loaches if we get a tank that's 100+ gals.
the bigger the better but as long as the 75g is wide enough to allow an adult bgk to turn around comfortably then it should be ok (a 2foot wide tank should be fine)

i keep my young BGK with Tiger Barbs, Khuli Loaches, Denisons Barbs, a pair of Kribensis, a BN Plec and a pair of Green Severum with no problems at all
Sorry to jump on this thread, but thought it pointless starting a new one : What is the growth rate like for a BGKF?
Sorry to jump on this thread, but thought it pointless starting a new one : What is the growth rate like for a BGKF?

pretty slow compared to most large species, mines grown about 5inches in the last 12 months
Don't khuli loaches stay pretty small?
I would like to get some kind of loach if not clowns to help munch snails :D
I like the size that tiger barbs get to, but I'm hesitant to get them b/c of their aggression. I just wouldn't want to get some and have them start being aggressive towards other fish. I know they're not all like that, but if there is another option? that is less aggressive, I'd rather go that way.
The kribs sound like a good one though. Would it be ok to have a solo one? Or are they best in a mating pair? We already have a problem with our livebearers breeding like crazy and just don't want yet another fish that breeds easily heh.

Thanks for the info so far :)
Don't khuli loaches stay pretty small?
I would like to get some kind of loach if not clowns to help munch snails :D
I like the size that tiger barbs get to, but I'm hesitant to get them b/c of their aggression. I just wouldn't want to get some and have them start being aggressive towards other fish. I know they're not all like that, but if there is another option? that is less aggressive, I'd rather go that way.
The kribs sound like a good one though. Would it be ok to have a solo one? Or are they best in a mating pair? We already have a problem with our livebearers breeding like crazy and just don't want yet another fish that breeds easily heh.

Thanks for the info so far :)

Any botia species will eat snails, so the list includes lohachata, striata, Kubotai as well as chain loach, which i believe are no longer classed as a botia.
by adding two kribs you aren't guaranteed a pair, but tbh with botia species in the tank as well as a BGK and any plecs/catfish etc that you may add, any eggs will most likely be eaten.

If you look in my profile at my fish list, you will see what i have in my aquarium with a BGK, all that is listed is currently in my 5 foot tank
OO Another question....
Would cories be ok in a tank with a BGK? We have skunk and julii cories and I was thinking about maybe moving them to the larger tank (and getting more) but not sure if they're big enough to not get eaten? Not sure I'm gonna do it though since I do want loaches and want to make sure there will be enough space for them.... but *shrugs* Just wondering and figured I would ask :D
OO Another question....
Would cories be ok in a tank with a BGK? We have skunk and julii cories and I was thinking about maybe moving them to the larger tank (and getting more) but not sure if they're big enough to not get eaten? Not sure I'm gonna do it though since I do want loaches and want to make sure there will be enough space for them.... but *shrugs* Just wondering and figured I would ask :D

Should be fine for a good few years, if not for life (I have albino Corys with mine)
I have my BGK in a 65 gallon 3' long x 18" wide and have had no problems to date. I know in the next year I will probably have to upgrade my tank size to a 100 gallon or so. My BGK is prob 6-7" long.
His tank mates are 2 Clown loaches which he sometimes at night shares a stump with the larger Clown loach :hyper: when hes not in his log. 6 Corydoras, 1 3" Royal Pleco, 2 lg angel's that are paired( Mates) and 2 tiny ootocinclus catfish. I have had no problem with aggression. I use to have an albino shark which was a real problem with the BGK as the albino shark would not leave the BGK alone. Solved that by getting rid of the albino shark. I do however have to feed the BGK seperatly as he would never get any food that I can see if I just threw it in as the angels would gobble it up. I use a plastic tong to lower a 1/4 peice of frozen Bloodworm, Brine Shrimp, or Beefheart to him which he vigorisly grasps :lol:
Thanks for the info so far everyone! It's SO appreciated! Learning more about them really makes me want to get one :)
I don't think anyone has answered it yet, but what is their average lifespan? Can't seem to find that info anywhere. I'm just curious b/c I would love to have a fish that my children (that I don't have yet) would grow up seeing... as cheesy as that is lol. Of course if it doesn't live for that long, then although that sucks, I'll still get 1 probably :D heh

I'm curious about feeding them. I've always thawed out bloodworm cubes in a cup w/ some tank water.... is it ok to give fish a cube (or part of one) that is still partially frozen?
Thanks for the info so far everyone! It's SO appreciated! Learning more about them really makes me want to get one :)
I don't think anyone has answered it yet, but what is their average lifespan? Can't seem to find that info anywhere. I'm just curious b/c I would love to have a fish that my children (that I don't have yet) would grow up seeing... as cheesy as that is lol. Of course if it doesn't live for that long, then although that sucks, I'll still get 1 probably :D heh

I'm curious about feeding them. I've always thawed out bloodworm cubes in a cup w/ some tank water.... is it ok to give fish a cube (or part of one) that is still partially frozen?

Like I stated above I have to feed mine basically frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp, beefheart. Dam fish is spoiled :blink: That is because the other fish will eat ( if thawed) before my BGK gets to it. I have had no problems and my BGK has grown from 3 or 3 1/2 " to approx 6-7" in about 7 months as I got him Aug-15-2008. I probably over feed him as I feed him 1/4 of a cube(frozen)per feeding, sometimes 2x day which is 1/2 cube daily. Some on the forums have told me I am overfeeding him:drool: but he is doing fine and I am trying to weed him down to maybe 1/4 cube daily.
I really can't tell you how long they live as nothing I have read to date really gives their lifespan.
Yeah, I saw you say that you feed yours frozen bloodworm, which made me ask again just to make sure heh.
Yeah, I saw you say that you feed yours frozen bloodworm, which made me ask again just to make sure heh.

I prefer to defrost it first rather than throwing it straight in, as usually one big fish will grab the whole cube and keep it for themself :rolleyes:
Yeah, I saw you say that you feed yours frozen bloodworm, which made me ask again just to make sure heh.

I prefer to defrost it first rather than throwing it straight in, as usually one big fish will grab the whole cube and keep it for themself :rolleyes:

Wish I could do that, I have to use a pair of plastic gardening Sheer ( Prongs ) to lower my bloodworms etc to my BGK to make sure he/she gets enough to eat. I do however thaw the rest of the cube for the rest of my fish howerver before I feed it to them.
Yeah, I saw you say that you feed yours frozen bloodworm, which made me ask again just to make sure heh.

I prefer to defrost it first rather than throwing it straight in, as usually one big fish will grab the whole cube and keep it for themself :rolleyes:

Wish I could do that, I have to use a pair of plastic gardening Sheer ( Prongs ) to lower my bloodworms etc to my BGK to make sure he/she gets enough to eat. I do however thaw the rest of the cube for the rest of my fish howerver before I feed it to them.

i defrost mine, mix it with a little tank water and use a turkey baster to feed my bgk. he takes it straight from the end of the baster (and gives me a chance to give him a good check over at the same time)

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