Fish Aficionado
Just thinking of some options for fish for a new tank we plan on getting and was wondering about this fish.
I know it gets pretty large, but wondering what the tank size should be. Would 75gal be enough for it fully grown? Or will it need a tank that is 100+ gallons.
What is their average lifespan?
Also, how small can its tankmates be without fear of them being made in to nighttime snacks? I know tiny fish like neons are out of the question.
Also would appreciate any suggestions for tankmates for them. No angels, and no gouramis.
Only fish I know that I want are clown loaches if we get a tank that's 100+ gals.
I know it gets pretty large, but wondering what the tank size should be. Would 75gal be enough for it fully grown? Or will it need a tank that is 100+ gallons.
What is their average lifespan?
Also, how small can its tankmates be without fear of them being made in to nighttime snacks? I know tiny fish like neons are out of the question.
Also would appreciate any suggestions for tankmates for them. No angels, and no gouramis.
Only fish I know that I want are clown loaches if we get a tank that's 100+ gals.