Info needed


Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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I belive my corys are either Corydoras melanistius, Corydoras agassizii, or Corydoras brevirostris. My corys have a black band around their eyes and on their dorsal fins. They also have spots. These spots are very small though, unlike Corydoras agassizii. They look very close to Corydoras brevirostris, some of them do not have a full black band around their eyes, could these be the females or males???? I need info on how to breed and sexing them, any info would be appreciate! ;)
yes they are spotted corys! But inch worm told me that there are many kinds of spotted corys so i should use the scientific names... :p
Try FishProfiles and work the other way around. Instead of u posting pics, browse through theirs! I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for... B)
Try - they have pics of ALL the bazillion cory species. Maybe c. leucomelas?

The main difference in male or female cories is that the female is bigger and wider. If there is a significant difference in the spot pattern, they may be different types of cories.

Inchworm has done a great post about breeding cories and how she raises the fry, try doing a search for her topic, it's really good.
they look alot like Co.melanistius meranistius...I think 2 of them are huge and have larger spots while the other two are smaller and have a speckled look to them. -_- Also some of them seem to have less of a band around thier eyes....
PICTURESI have just taken some pictures of them. Inchworm or anyone..can you identfy my corys?

PICTURES Click "PICTURES" to go to the forum with my pictures! Thnx.
here are the pics for you inchworm or anyone that can help me!


Scoll down until you get to my name, and please help! :D
Heres a list of corys i think i have for Inchworm or anyone who knows alot about corys(PS i think i have two species of corys in my tank. One of them has a more rounded face and smaller spots, with a darker band around the eyes...while the others have amore longer face with "larger" spots but still small an a lighter band around the eyes.

Corydoras brevirostris
Corydoras atropersonatus
Corydoras ambiacus
Corydoras agassizii
Corydoras cf. copei
Corydoras cf. delphax
Corydoras cf. lamberti
Corydoras cf. leopardus
Corydoras kanei
Corydoras leucomelas
Corydoras sp.(08)
Corydoras sp. (C091)
Corydoras sp. (C103)

Hi bshockstubb :)

There are a number of fish similar to the ones you have, and determining which is which can be difficult at times. :/

I've added your name to my MSN messenger contacts so we can talk about this. Please message me whenever you see me online. If my messenger isn't open, just PM me and I'll open it. :D

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