info needed please


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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;) when doing water changers wot water do u use and wot do u do to prepare it and how much do u do can any one help :S
Ask in begginers questions.

In my case, 20 -25% weekly with dechlorinated water (using aquasafe from tetra). But this will depend on stocking and fish kept.

ty iv got a 150g tank with 2 10inch oscars and 3 12inch plecs im getting a shovel nose catfish tomoro.. ps not a tiger
With those fish you will probably need to change greater quantities than I do, nearer 50% per week. The rest is the same though, dechlorinated tap water.

I've been wondering about water changes too. Even with a filtering system, you should still change 20-25% of the water EVERY week? That's at least 10 gallons for my tank....I guess I'll go get some dechlorination tablets too. I haven't changed any of the water out yet and the tank's had fish in it for three months.
Deffnately do some water changes then - only a VERY lightly stocked tank with excellent filtration and which is heavily planted can be left for any lengthy period of time without water changes -you can't afford to cut corners or be lazy with this hobby - you're dealing with lives...
Until last weekend, the only fish were the two adult platys and the 8 babies and the one itty-bitty platy. Now that there are more fish, I'll start doing water changes. Off to the pet store now... Thanks!
On the average tank, stocked properly, yes, 20-25% is what is usually required. Filters remove some debris, and change ammonia to nitrite, then nitrite to nitrate. The only practical way to remove nitrate is through water changes.

Think of it like your car, it has an oil filter, but you still have to do oil changes. The filter can only do so much.

Don't do a big change now, 10% daily for a week, then do the weekly changes. Water that hasn't been changed for quite a while is probably a different ph than your tap water. Ph swings are bad for fish.

wow, I thought we were supposed to do the 20%-30% water changes every 2 weeks (after cycling of course), but once weekly seems like a lot. :crazy:
Bi-weekly is ok if you are understocked or over filtered, weekly is still better though. 10-15% weekly is ok when stocking is under, or 25-30% bi-weekly. If stocking is high or you have messy fish (Plecs, Big cichlids, puffers) 25-30% weekly. Thats how I do it any way.

I checked the tank's water before I changed out 10% last night. Before the change, the tank was: nitrate 20; PH 8.4. The tap water was 7.2 PH. Should I still do 10% daily for the rest of this week? Then go to 20% weekly?

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