Info About Corydoras Julii (leopard Coydora)


Mar 10, 2008
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Any information abot the leopard corydora would be great! I have 5 platies and 4 mollies (all females so no new fry) I have a plastic planted tank with two shelters. Would he work for my tank?
not sure how big our tank is but corys need to be in groups the more the better but i wouldn't keep less than 3.
They need to be on sand or rounded gravel, no sharp edges to damage their barbels on, they would be fine with the fish you have as they tend to keep mainly to the bottom of the tank.

Emma :)
Ok thanks. I have rounded gravel so thats covered. But, I don't know about three or more of them!
Ok thanks. I have rounded gravel so thats covered. But, I don't know about three or more of them!

if you cant keep at least 3 m8 i wouldnt even bother your pushing your limits already with 1 in the 10 gallon with the stocking uve already got and they really do need 2 be in min groups of 5 or more

Ok I think I'll look into something else. thanks though!

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