Infection From Water Change


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2006
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I had a hang nail and i did a 30% change on my tank and my finger got infected... goona get some antibiotic cream...
be careful people :blush: ...

I had a hang nail and i did a 30% change on my tank and my finger got infected... goona get some antibiotic cream...
be careful people :blush: ...

If theres an open wound on your hand, while doing a water change thank of yours and your fish's safety and wear a rubber glove.
Yesterday I got scratched by my cat causing two small open wounds on the index finger of either hand. Today having had my hands in my tank several times yesterday wuthout gloves, my two cuts are infected. I'm pretty sure this is the cause of it!
Actually cat scratches are dirty enough to cause an infection all by themselves. Cat's have bacteria hanging out on their claws because they scratch around in their litter boxes and walk on floors. Their nails are shaped just perfectly to imbed these bacteria deep within your skin when they scratch you. It is important to wash every scratch really well and cleanse it with an antibacterial soap. Did you clean your scratches immediately after getting them yesterday? I bet the cat was the culprit and not so much the fish tank. In order to help draw out the infection, I'd suggest soaking your hand in warm salty water for 20 minutes twice a day. If the infection is really bad, I'd suggest going to your doctor so you can get some antibiotics.

Good luck!

Actually cat scratches are dirty enough to cause an infection all by themselves. Cat's have bacteria hanging out on their claws because they scratch around in their litter boxes and walk on floors. Their nails are shaped just perfectly to imbed these bacteria deep within your skin when they scratch you. It is important to wash every scratch really well and cleanse it with an antibacterial soap. Did you clean your scratches immediately after getting them yesterday? I bet the cat was the culprit and not so much the fish tank. In order to help draw out the infection, I'd suggest soaking your hand in warm salty water for 20 minutes twice a day. If the infection is really bad, I'd suggest going to your doctor so you can get some antibiotics.

Good luck!


Just seems unusual that it'll be the cat. Always tend to play with him, wllowing him to bite, scratch and cut me as much as he likes! Never had an infection before and it seemed off to get it on two hands aswell. I didn't wash them after getting cut, but about half an hour later they were both in the tank.

Anyhow much better today and I got to work on them yesterday with a pin and hot water. Pop!
I have cuts, bashes, & gashes continually on my hands due to work, Getting a few thousand pounds of paper daily through a press will do that. Never had a problem without gloves. It's probably due to my healthy living habits. :lol:

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