Inexperience Is An Asset. A Planted Journal.

Does this chick ever shut up?

  • OMG, I just clawed my own eyes out.

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Don't ever shut up!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Seriously????!!! SHUT UP!!!!!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Updates Please!

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • How can we say this nicely........? :/

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Total looney nut job!!

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
AHHH. I need more plants lol My hubby gifted me with a new HOB filter for my 10g and some black and grey sand. I have wanted to plant this tank and put it in my kitchen with a betta, some pygmy cories and a shoal of micro-somethings.

Suggestions on a mini schooler?

Don't judge my planting yet, I couldn't take the plants I need from my 46g because I'm treating ich, so this is just what I could scrounge up everywhere else. THe Bacopa is going through an emersed melt right now. I am adding more black sand in as well, but also cant get that from my 46g yet. I am worried about an electrical fire now that I popped in these bulbs. They fit and work :crazy: Anyone know where I can get a small piece of redmoor, or branching wood in the US?

Anyway just wanted opinions on the sand?

I like the sand! Very nice

Very nice betta as well, can't get them in LFS like that 'round these parts! Seems like there's about 30 different types of micro-rasbora lol but neons are always pretty too!
What type of bulbs you put in there?

Nice choice! An aqueon HOB :good:

I like the sand as well!
love the sand! like AA said, I also don't see Bettas like that where I'm at.
I got lucky with the Betta. I have never seen a halfmoon locally in a chain store. The HOB filter is a cheap one, but a huge improvement on the internal that came with the tank. :crazy:

Yay! Glad the sand looks good then. Like I said, I am adding another bit of black sand so it will get a little darker.....

It's my kitchen tank so the black and white = salt & pepper. I spend half my day in the kitchen as I love to cook. There's a TV in there and everything!!! We changed the Bettas name sneakily to Roux. :lol: My 3 year old was calling him "AhRoooooot" which is icky. His has a lovely kitchen friendly name now. :fun:

I don't think neons are for me. I am starting to hate all forms of tetras. They are a little too sensitive and I am sick of dealing with them as a whole. I'm thinking a micro rasbora is for me. I want a fish that swims, every tetra I have tried just hovers and jerks like little tiny morons.

Let me finish with this statement. My angelfish KICK @&&!!!!!!!! Yup, They started exploring the tank today and all of a sudden they all have nice black stripes. At first we thought they didn't have the stripes they should have. Freakin gorgeous. :fun: Oh and BN poop is just as I remembered, only baby bn poo is smaller. :sick:
:wub: I think I love them. They finally got to eat today, just a tiny bit of flakes and they weren't stupid and found it at the surface. :fun:
How about mosquito rasboras? Very nice IMO.
I don't think neons are for me. I am starting to hate all forms of tetras. They are a little too sensitive and I am sick of dealing with them as a whole. I'm thinking a micro rasbora is for me. I want a fish that swims, every tetra I have tried just hovers and jerks like little tiny morons.

THIS! I wasn't sure if they were all like this because I've only had cardinals. PLUS my cardinals have decided to nip my betta so they gotta go!
I might not up my shoal of neons then... Was thinking last night anyway, that they are so prone to disease and death.
Mosquito Rasbora (Boraras brigittae) ' s are awesome. My problem is in the plan for a biotope. I haven't found a S. American schooling fish. I do love all of the rasboras that I am seeing.

AA I've had Von Rio Tetras as well, and they were exactly the same. Just jerking around. I do see the rummys swimming around together at lights out, but that is useless lol
After peeking in on my fishes the first thing I noticed is that the rummys are closing in on the finsh line. THE GOOD finish line, not the indefinite one. :lol:

No more coating of salt, just a dot here and there. By tomorrow morning I expect them to be spot free. The cories were starting to look a little sluggish from the heat so I am turning it back down now. No reason to keep it up with he medication that I am using and it has done its job.

My local chain store has started selling rummynoses now. They cost more then buying them online, BUT with shipping and losses factored in, it will actually cost the same in the end. {I can't only have 6, and I am keeping them since I went to all this trouble for them.} :good:

Good days around here. :)

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