Increasing Lighting From A Standard Single Strip Light?


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
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What I want to do is mod my single strip light that holds and 18W bulb and have it hold more/ give out more light. However... I am at a loss on how to do this. This light is over a 20 gallon tank and I want to get more plants but that requires more lighting. I didn't find any DYI mod's done on the standard strip light that would increase overall lighting in the tank, is this because I suck at searching or because nobody has done it? I have that over priced all-glass 30 inch hood and single strip light combo, and it barely is enough to keep the horn wort alive.

Any ideas on how I can increase the in tank lighting so I can get some more plants? Like shoving in another bulb, a higher wattage bulb, some how adding a bulb somewhere?

Is this a florescent lamp or a "bulb" striplight ?

It is a fluorescent lamp. It's the all glass 30 inch long hood with light thing that is horribly overpriced for the piece of plastic it is. It was a shocking 60 bucks at the LFS when I got it this summer.

What do people think about:

Do you think it's worth it? A better option than DIY perhaps?
I WAS expecting to see a "glass hood" !!!! :blush: These vacuum formed "hoods" are an insult to the comsumer.... they are disgusting to say the least- the so called "up market" ones arwnt any better, always makes me wonder why people accept such rubbish - I though it was just the UK market :sick:

This is the reason why so many build a hood... mine are made from wood - and im no carpenter ! lol
It IS only a box ... I used "skirting board" (for the sides) and smooth planed planks (for the top/lid) I spent ages letting in a couple of hinges... then I painted it black and it looks awful :sick: So the MkII is under way - this time I got a piano hinge... LOADS of money from the DIY stores - but one day I passed a piano store... plucked up the courage and went in and asked them for a hinge (they must do repairs - right ?)
The guy came from "round the back" with a gleaming REAL brass 4 foot plus hinge.... I swallowed hard and asked how much, give me a fiver he said (£5 or $8) STILL smiling :good:

So it CAN be done on the cheap, they look a million times better than the plastic cr@p LFS sell, AND more importantly... they do EXACTLY what YOU want them to !
So go for it - it really is dead easy.

Another alternative, if you can afford it and you dont mind light spill, is an overhead fitting... they look nice, but again - you are stuck with the lighting THEY provide.
I actually DIYed the light for my 30gallon but it didn't look so hot in the end. It was made of wood and is plenty of lighting but just wasn't as aesthetically pleasing. It's back at home and holds goldfish while supporting plants on top to hide the light. I was hoping to find a way to make this expensive piece of plastic in the 20 brighter just because it has continuity with the rest of the tank. I wanted a light and hood and that was all the LSF had at the time. The major problem I have here with any DIY requiring power tools and paint is all my tools are at home and this is an apartment at school. I was considering overhead too, but... I can't drill holes into the wall here in the apt. :unsure:

The plastic is a POS for sure, I took the light apart and it was pathetic. It's only "good" is that it looks ok and was plug and play.

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