Increasing Kribensis Growth Rate


Apr 5, 2006
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what can i do to increase the growth rate of my krib fry?

they're 4 months old and only 3/4-1" each. i change the water 25% daily and feed the 40 fry three times a day, 1/4 spoonful per feeding. i feed them bettamin, which is a small flake that is high in protein.
what can i do to increase the growth rate of my krib fry?

they're 4 months old and only 3/4-1" each. i change the water 25% daily and feed the 40 fry three times a day, 1/4 spoonful per feeding. i feed them bettamin, which is a small flake that is high in protein.
Kribs sometimes have a wonky growth rate--they seem to grow in spurts, fast, then slow, then fast again. What size tank are they in? I'd reccomend trying live food (tubifex, brine shrimp, or daphnia, if you can find it) or at least frozen (bloodworms or brine shrimp). That's all higher in protein than any flake, even the best stuff, and also smells more appealing and will trigger more of a feeding response--they'll eat more at any given time. You can try upping your amount per feeding, if they polish off the 1/4 spoon very quickly. Basically feed a little more and a little more until you notice them visibly slowing in the eating. Normally I wouldn't encourage this, but in fish that are still growing so much, and in a tank with so much waterchanging going on, it should be fine.
Try bringing the tank temperature up as well, this will increase metabolism, appetite, & growth rate. 80-82F should be the upper limit for kribs, this along with pushing the higher protein fresh or frozen foods will increase the growth rate.
A year ago I had krib fry and I feed mine brine shrimp( live and frozen) , blood worms( frozen not freeze dried), live blackworms( dead ones can carry dieases), omega one tropical flake, and Hikari first bites. I am sorry but betta food is designed for a bettas requirements and not for kribs requirements, so they wont grow as fast because they arent getting proper nutrition. Turn the temp up to 82-84, they will grow extremely fast at that temp.

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