Country joe
I had an email from aqua essentials a plant selling company, on how to control algae, they had a few suggestions, but one was poor water circulation, stating one filter is never enough, and plants should sway in the current,I should say this company does not sell aquarium equipment only plants, long scissors and forceps. So they are not trying to sell me a product.
My 200 litre aquarium the flow is powered by a Fluval 307 external filter, so I was looking at a Superfish IQ Submersible pump, 200 litres per hour adjustable. Not expensive to buy, would it be beneficial to add to my tank. My fish are mainly small tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, pandacorys and ottos, and one gourami.
My 200 litre aquarium the flow is powered by a Fluval 307 external filter, so I was looking at a Superfish IQ Submersible pump, 200 litres per hour adjustable. Not expensive to buy, would it be beneficial to add to my tank. My fish are mainly small tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, pandacorys and ottos, and one gourami.