The answer to that question daize is where they come from and their "stock".
ok you figure inbreeding would be bad for fish , so you know very li 0ttle about inbreeding fish, if you or any one would like to challenge me inbreeding Guppies fill free to do so, lets see how long we can keep one strain going forSebul said:I'd figthow
ualre inbreeding would be as bad for another species as it would us. We all need to vary our genes and help filter out come of the bad stuff. This is how you end up with stronger humans/animals/amphebians/so on. You can't expect to get a good healthy pet when you keep mix it with or any one ou pets you already know arent well off.
I would like to see the results of that.
Accurate records would have to be kept & no human interference ie no culling of defective fry so it's a true test
snazy said:There used to be a moderator here, Ludwig Venter who keeps guppies by the thousands(15 000 lately). He keeps them in ponds outside and according to him all of them were started from 3 males and 5 females in 1995. Here's a video of some of his "inbred" guppies: http/
TallTree01 said:
There used to be a moderator here, Ludwig Venter who keeps guppies by the thousands(15 000 lately). He keeps them in ponds outside and according to him all of them were started from 3 males and 5 females in 1995. Here's a video of some of his "inbred" guppies: http/
They don't appear disadvantaged compared to non inbred ones? Confused.