In This Vid Is She Preg?

well as we've said many time's she far from being close to giving birth, and the key is to wait and make sure that you do the best u can for them.

Your neon's will though love your baby guppies when they come!!!!
And remember to do your water changes and feed live foods now and then and enjoy!!
that yellow one is still pregnant. if i was you i would get rid of one of your males so the female won't keep getting melested. one of the rules 2 females for one male,maybe u could swap it for another neon.
that yellow one is still pregnant. if i was you i would get rid of one of your males so the female won't keep getting melested. one of the rules 2 females for one male,maybe u could swap it for another neon.
no its ok because one of my males is really really old so he doesnt chase the females no more. he just stays at the top most of his time. what do you mean the yellow one still pregnant ? is the orange one still preg aswel though? sorry i dont understand :blush: i dont no that much about breeding well i do but not enough
both of ur females have a gravid spot which means they are both pregnant ill try and see which one is more pregnant.
the red one is more pregnant than the yellow or orange what ever colour u think it is.
They have got ages lets just say that,leave them alone and they will be fine.There is nothing to breeding guppies.Atm i have about 12 female guppies and 6 males in a 20 gal long,and whenever guppies get heavily pregnant i put them in my nano (5gal),then when they give birth (say a week later) i remove them and put them back in the tank then sell the fry on. :good: 30 for £12.00 if anyone is interested!And have a guppie who has been about to burst for ages,shes getting bigger and bigger so i expect a good batch form her!

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