In Need Of Some Inspiration For My 10L Betta Tank

For a natural zen yes, sand is best. The insert is pretty much where you take a bit of safe cement or other material and sculpt it into a zen garden formation and slide that down into the tank.
the tank its to small for a betta. I know they keep them in cups and small bowls at the pet store but they are not very happy in there. 10gal Would be better then you have more space. plus they like sword plants or any thing floating at the top or large leaves they can lay on. 
Isn't 10l equal to 2.5g? That is the minimum for a betta so I don't see the issue, although agreed bigger would be better, especially in being able to decorate
yea but 3 gallons is better plus i dont now why you would get a fish so that it could live at its minimum tank size 
Ofcourse it's better, but if a 10L is all he has then that's all he has, sorry if I came off rude
I keep my betta in a 20g.
I just felt bad I guess that everyone kept telling him it's too small. Though I suppose if people say it enough maybe he would upgrade..ignore me! :lol:
no no you werent rude i was just sayin maybe he could not do a betta in that size 
Unfortunately, I bought the tank specifically to own a betta. 
I actually started up a Fluval Edge 23L for a betta, and was recommended shrimp as tankmate. But days before I added the betta I was further advised shrimp are not good tank mates for the betta.
I also couldn't get past the gap at the top of the tank, so I bought this little Marina 360 as a hassle free betta only tank. Now it sounds like I've bought an oversized paper weight! 
Gunna look into it a bit more, I guess I could always sell the tank and but another 
If space is an issue, I can recommend the aquanano 30 (22 litre) I have this for my betta :)
Although it is the bare minimum I would recommend in size for a single betta, it can easily work.  A single betta can live a fullfilling and happy life in that size tank as long as proper care is maintained.  A tank that small is harder to maintain temperature and a cycle so testing on a regular basis is mandatory.  Water changes will have to be done on a regular schedule as well to keep the water clean.  In that size tank, you really do not have to even worry about cycling the tank or running a filter if you choose not to.  You can instead choose to do 100% water changes every other day instead.  An adjustable heater is mandatory though and a full coverage lid.

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