Improving The Rhinox 2000


Fish Addict
Jul 10, 2007
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Hello, About 2 months ago now I bought the rhinox 2000 diffuser and at the time I was extremely pleased with it, until I cleaned it on Thursday. For the first time I was getting a true mist from the diffuser, This however had disappeared by the following afternoon and the bubbles where back to how they where before cleaning, small, but not not even close to as small as before.
On examining the diffuser only small areas of the disk is allowing co2 to pass through. what is causing this and how can i improve the situation?
I run at 2bars and 2 bps.
I and others get the same, only i can only get the mist for a few minutes, i dont think there is going to be much you can do about it to be honest. i use a rhinox 2000 and a dymax and they are both the same.
Apparently with a ADA one you should get a mist all the time but looking at the price i am not prepared to take the gamble!!!
I was afraid that would be the case. I might try a smaller model and see if that is better If not is it possible to file at the ceramic part or would this only exacerbate things?
Hmm, It seems like the rinnox just isn't as good as I used to think, And there is not a cat in hells chance of me buying an ADA so it looks like ill just have to make do.

I still think there must be a way of improving the situation I just dont know what...
I`ve tried quite a few ceramic diffusers by now, and the best I have bought is the Spiro 3000 from AE.

It always gives off extremely fine bubbles, provided I clean it regularly, and it doesn`t make that squealing sound.

I've gone off diffusers entirely, I'll be using one of the Dymax reactors from the AE sale, cost me £5 and should be fine externally (may seal it a bit just incase), partly keeping equipment out of the tank and partly trying to make as efficient use of CO2 as possible.
Yeah I'm in the same position, I'd love an external one, not a reactor though an actual diffuser, I like the pop bottle effect you get with pearling and bubbles in the water column.
That and the Barr report that bubbles work best.
Although saying that I am willing to try more or less anything if other people have had good results.
I've gone off diffusers entirely, I'll be using one of the Dymax reactors from the AE sale, cost me £5 and should be fine externally (may seal it a bit just incase), partly keeping equipment out of the tank and partly trying to make as efficient use of CO2 as possible.

I`ll be interested to see how you get on with this nry. I have just bought the large Dymax for a future project, but the removable base could do with a tighter fit.

Garuf, you will still plenty of pearling using a reactor. My 60cm uses a reactor and the Eleocharis `parvula` fizzes away like a good `un.

I've gone off diffusers entirely, I'll be using one of the Dymax reactors from the AE sale, cost me £5 and should be fine externally (may seal it a bit just incase), partly keeping equipment out of the tank and partly trying to make as efficient use of CO2 as possible.

I`ll be interested to see how you get on with this nry. I have just bought the large Dymax for a future project, but the removable base could do with a tighter fit.


I will be sealing this with some waterproof tape, not sure if I trust the black elbow joints either. I could pop the top/bottom caps off just by blowing into the thing with all exit holes covered so I would not trust it without some additional fixing - still, I do think it is watertight under low pressure which is good. Convinced it is not supposed to be an external thing though! Should work well, simple enough idea - ceramic diffuser inside a big tube in which water spins around until it exits into the tank! Might even get a fine mist into the water column but not to know until next week when it gets set up!
Ok, so things seem to be getting worse regarding the diffuser, even a weekly 20minute bleach soak and scrub doesn't seem to have a lasting effect and the bubbles become no smaller than those of a cheap are stone and in some places bigger.
Could it just be I have a duff diffuser or is it because when I got it I never cleaned it for a good 3 months?
I really aren't sure its rectifiable so which diffuser would people recommend I swap it for? I was thinking a spio but apparently they're inadequate for my 11gallon, would a nano diffuser or rhinox 1000 work or would another Rinnoxx 2000 be a better bet?
Thanks in advance,

Is your DC green? If so the diffusor is doing it's job.

After your next clean, mark where your needle valve is set to and then turn the CO2 up to a silly level like 4 bar.

Is it working now?

Make sure you turn it back to where you marked.

This will prove to you I think (as it did to me) that the 2000 needs more pressure than we put in for a 20-40 USG. When I first went pressurised I thought it was a little dodgy and turned it right up which gave me bubbles from the whole disc and also a yellow DC within 3 hours so I promptly turned it down.

I think the suggested tank sized given with the Rhinox diffusors is the problem rather than the diffusor itself.

If I were to buy again I would probs buy the 1000 for my 33USG as I think the 2000 should be more for you 55-70 and the 5000 for your really big tanks.


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