Immune-plus Product

whuangs, This looks like a waste of money. The How it Works section is utter rubbish:

How it Works
The probiotics in Immune-Plus are designed to "overpower" pathogens by becoming the dominant bacteria in the aquarium, eating up the food source that pathogens rely on.

Too bad ich -- which the product claims to help prevent -- is a protozoa, not a bacteria. So, how exactly does having a different species of bacteria in the tank prevent ich?!? In short, it doesn't. I really don't like the quote "eating up the food source that pathogens rely on" since ich is an obligate fish parasite -- basically the product right there on the bottle is claiming to "eat up" fish. I mean, it claims to eat up the food source the pathogens rely on, and fish is what ich relies on, so the product is clearly claiming to eat up fish. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to put a product that is claiming to eat up fish into my fishtank!

Then there's even the bigger question of how do the bacteria remain alive in the bottle with no nutrients no oxygen, etc. getting in? There is a reason that products like BioSpira have to remain refrigerated -- the bacteria process is slowed down in the cold. If the BioSpira isn't open and used quickly enough all the bacteria in it die. So, does this product come refrigerated?

To conclude, this looks like just another bottle of something that the manufacturer is hoping to sell you. It probably doesn't harm anything, but doesn't actually help with anything either. The route to a healthy tank has been known for a long, long time now. Do frequent water changes, and quarantine any new additions for several weeks. It really is that simple. One anecdote isn't proof, but by doing that and only that I haven't had any disease in my main tanks for many, many years now.

Don't waste your money on this product.
thanks for clarifing the fact for me. Yeah I did research on it; I did not find any evident that supports its claim too.

Thanks again

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