Imagine These In Your Living Room!


Fish Addict
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Kent UK
ebay link
These are very nice be a bit worried bout having that much water all over me carpet if they cracked though!
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They look really nice but there's just something not right about them and the auction. I sense there is something wrong with those tanks. I would never buy a tall tank like that made of glass and held together with silicone with no warranty. Acrylic is the way to go for big tanks.
On a serious note, you could do stacking hole rocks and have one heck of a cichlid tank....
i saw that auction the other day, i didn't like how it only seemed to stand on 4 little legs.
I know what you mean and it says it's been standing for a while so not sure I'd trust the silicone
I dont like them, theyre too tall, i wouldnt even be able to reach the bottom, id probably crack the bottom by dropping decor on the substrate more than anything :lol: Id like it if it was just like that but rotated 90 degrees. :D
If they are sturdy i spose theyre a great space saver. Thats a hell of a lot of weight balanced on one small surface area though isnt it! Wouldnt be much fun to gravel-vac!!!
To be honest i think theyre ugly. Also there wouldnt be much oxygen in a tank like that :/ and rubbish for catfish.
would look wonderful if the stand was diffrent and we thought they culd be more trustworthy tho wuldent it thinkabout it you could clne boath tanks eachside of ur room heavily plant them and reammy do sommat good with them shame they seem dodgey

thing that made me think wors of them is "The tanks themselves were water tested after initial manufacture but have actually never been used due to a change in circumstances" sounds liek the manufactures found a big fault liek the legs breaking after a week of the tank splitting :eek:
Yeah with that much water standing vertically on such a small surface area over the stand I would at least have some metal underneath for supporting the wooden legs since wood compresses, flexes etc.
Perfect for paludariums, terrible for much else. Not enough oxygen exchange for big fish.

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