I'm up to 7 now


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2003
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Heres the new ones story. About a week ago I was in my LFS (which is owned by a good friend of mine.) And she had just gotten in some new bettas. I was 'trying' to look at them because they were still in their blue water (like I said, she'd JUST gotten them) and TWO had come in with popeye. One of them was REALLY bad. I've never seen popeye THAT bad before!!! So I showed them to her and she took care of them. I went back in today and she had all the new ones out. I picked the one that had the worse case of popeye. Hes a crowntail. Right now hes got a little fin rot. hes in a .5 gallon bowl until tomorrow when I can go get another 1 gallon hex. When I first put him in he was FREAKING out!! All I had to do was twitch an eye before he started darting all over, very upset! But hes already happier now. It didn't take him very long to calm down. I'm going to get some bettamax tomorrow along with his 1 gal (theres bettafix in with him right... I know a lot of you think its crap, but it has worked a little for me in the past and I see it as better than nothing.) So there will be new pics of him tomorrow as they are hard to get in the bowl. But here is a link to a pic of him.

Well there was no bettamax to be found so I got melefix. Glimmer is in his new 1 gal and seems really happy. Still getting used to things tho. :)

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