I'm Stunned


James flexton
Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Stotfold, Bedfordshire, UK
i just recieved this email from PFK

Hi James,

Thankyou for sending us your entry for the photo competition, the tank
and photo look very good.
We were wondering, if the tank is yours that is, if you would like us
to do a reader visit on you and your aquarium.
It would consist of myself and a photographer visiting you for about
half a day.
If you would be interested then please contact me.
There is of course no obligation and the visit would be separate to
your photo competition entry.

Jeremy Gay
Technical writer
Practical fishkeeping magazine .

how awesome is that, er YES is the obvious answer

i'll keep you posted

Top stuff.. does the tank still look like it did in the picture you sent?

Oh.. perhaps hold onto the cube for a few weeks lol ;)

Well done
Top stuff.. does the tank still look like it did in the picture you sent?

Oh.. perhaps hold onto the cube for a few weeks lol ;)

Well done

Yes def, that cube is awesome! They have to see how great EI is and how well it works and you're three tanks are the best advert for it around!

Nice one Jim, it is 'credit where credit is due' :thumbs:

yeah thanks guy's i'll get them down quick. cube is now sold, getting picked up in the next two weeks.

the layout is totally different now but hopefully it'll look even better. the glosso in the 180 is carpeting nicely and the dennerle co2 arrives tomorrow.

squid, love the avatar you chav.. he he
Congrats mate. You must be well chuffed. Make sure you mention TFF won't you?

Oh, and don't forget to explain the benefits of nitrates and phosphates while you're at it.
Jimbooo, Congrats !!! My prophecy is coming true ..... you are on the way to become our next Amano :lol:
Jimbooo, Congrats !!! My prophecy is coming true ..... you are on the way to become our next Amano :lol:
They haven't seen my photos yet. ;) I'll post them soon.

All credit due to jimbooo though. His tanks and photos are stunning.

James - Did you send a CD in the end? Those prints didn't do justice.
Jimbooo, Congrats !!! My prophecy is coming true ..... you are on the way to become our next Amano :lol:

Yeah. i always thought he was a shrimp....

Thats just for the chav comment..

Squid (is not a chav..his fish is!)
thanks guys

george: - no, i didn't. i was going to enter a CD next month. those pics were pretty awefull so i'm even more stunned that they prompted the email. come to think of it thats probably why. i can see the guys in PFK now. "this guy has a lovely tank but cant take a picture to save his life. lets get down there and do a proper job of it" or something like that.

Squid: lol, sorry dude. and please pass on my appologies to mrs angelfish. her new coat looks lovely he he.
i can see the guys in PFK now. "this guy has a lovely tank but cant take a picture to save his life. lets get down there and do a proper job of it" or something like that.

:lol: either that or they thought you had airbrushed the algae out of the photos, cant have an algae free tank with so much NO2 and PO4 floating about can you? Surely not...

lol. nah the photo's are all fuzzy. you definatly wouldn't see any algae in them. they look great on screen but my printer is a bit pants and doesn't get close to the quality online. after printing 5 or 6 different versions on different settings i gave up and just sent the best of what i had. george saw some of the rejects that were very slightly worse than the ones i submitted.

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