I'm so far behind!

Rusty_S said:
I hope you can't catch anything from your tanks that will hurt your baby :blink:
There's nothing that I know of that you can catch from the fish that you're at any higher risk of from just being pregnant. I know how hard it is having a husband gone, especially when you're pregnant! We just have the one toddler now but are hoping for another soon and am not looking forward to my husband possibly being deployed for part of it. It definitely sucks!

You take care of YOU first and the fishies will come out OK too :flex:

Thank you Crystal :D

Thanks Parker! Yeah its definitely going to suck. Hes going out for 1.5 months On Sept 7th, but then hes going out in Jan and he will miss the big belly all the way to the birth. He wont be home until July. The baby will be at least two months by the time he gets back. It really stinks. Thats going to be difficult for me. I do know a lot of women who have had to do that tho, so I know I will make it thru just like they did. :-(
Yeah, it sure sucks. I know that feeling - you want to be mad at SOMEONE for the way your plans got messed up but there's just no one to be mad AT. Definitely doesn't make it any easier though :/
i wish i lived closer..i would come help with ur fish...cute new baby :) ..u will have to take pics of her/him when she/he arrives and post them so we cant see the little cutie who is making mum tired. good luck and dont tire your self out to much
If you are worried about lifting buckets and such, my doctor told me with my pregnancies that lifting is fine as long as it's not new to your body. For example, if you are used to carrying buckets then it's fine, but you wouldn't want to start weight lifting during a pregnancy. :)
Sorrell said:
If you are worried about lifting buckets and such, my doctor told me with my pregnancies that lifting is fine as long as it's not new to your body. For example, if you are used to carrying buckets then it's fine, but you wouldn't want to start weight lifting during a pregnancy. :)
I agree completely. I have sooo wanted to post in this thread but I didn't dare. Amber,don't let your pregnancy hold you back. I know a lot of women say "I'm pregnant,I just can't" but I don't believe that. Of course, I've only had the one but I bartended on my feet 8 hours a day slinging buckets of ice and such all the way up until the day I had her. Then proceeded to slip back into my size 3 jeans immediately :p So just tough it out :thumbs: Your sickness will go away soon and as long as you're not straining your stomach muscles too much,you'll both be fine ;)
You may just have to get smaller buckets and make more trips :)
Oh no... I'm not worried about lifting stuff. Thats not the problem. This pregnancy is SO different from my first one. I literally get so fatigued I nearly drop. Like yesterday, I went to the commissary in the morning which was a pretty tireing trip came home put everything away, a friend and her bfriend came over (actually shes my daughters babysitter) and they visited for a while. I made dinner and all but passed out from fatigue before I could even eat it. I'm not exaggerating either. This NEVER happened when I was preg with my daughter. I was working during my pregnancy too. I might not be working now, but a normal day before I got pregnant is very active for me and I just cant seem to hack that anymore. I'm trying.

Another thing different about this pregnancy is the peeing. I NEVER had to go extra with my daughter like I do now. I go at LEAST every hour no matter how much I have to drink. I had to get up FOUR times last night! I NEVER wake to use the bathroom at night! There are a few more things too.

So its not lifting things. I lift my 2 year old all the time.

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