Im so annoyed!


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, UK
At school they have 2 fish tanks - about 3 ft by 1.5ft by 1.5ft. and THEY DONT LOOK AFTER THEM! I went up to look at them yesterday. The coldwater one has 3 goldfish in and no plants/ornaments, etc. the tropical one has a silver shark and a gourami and no ornaments, 1 pathetic plant and a carpet and wallpaper made of algae. The undergravel filters in the tank have fallen apart about 6 months ago and not been re-assembled.

The guy in charge wont listen to me when I tell him his nitrite and ammonia are too high. and that he should get an internal filter. But, no, lets not spend an extra £20 to make our fish happy. It makes me so mad.

I just think what I could do if I had them!

I hate people like him.
bulldog188 said:
you should speak to somebody and see if you can take care of them....
I totally agree.Go speak to the head of the school ask if you can take charge of the fishies . :/
Definitely speak to someone about being allowed to look after them, schools are supposed to encourage extra curricular activities, this can be yours!
unfortunately this is all too common in schools.
A lot of places just won't dish out money to look after classroom "pets".
I'm still toying with the idea of starting a company that does just that... supplies tanks and sets them up for businesses, schools care homes etc - and then provide a maintanence contract too...

Ask if you can lookafter them - sounds like a great idea to me.
Yep, go directly to the top of the school (principal). Rarely do they turn away someone who is willing to volunteer... :D
Defiantly take the others advice on this and take over those tanks. :nod:

If it is too much for you alone get some others that care about fish to help.

Steal the fishy's.... :p just joking...Like what the others said talk to someone who is in charge mainly the principal....she can't say no if it's not going to cause him/her anything....
Plecoperson, I would go with what everyone else says. But think about this, if you were to go to your Science teacher and tell him all about the tank, mentioning whatr you know about Amonia, Nitrite,Nitrate & PH etc, your bound to get some bonus points and the responsibility of the tank :kana:
The students on the animal care course are supposed to look after them - but they dont do a good job. They NEVER test the water and they added in about 10 fish at once when the tanks was new. Unfortunately, they got there before I got to them. The pleco died :-( I was so upset! it was only 3 cm long!

Plus the tanks are in the meeting room, where lots of influential people come to have meetings to decide the future of the school - what a good advertisment! Ill see if I can get some pictures for you all. In the meantime, I will speak to the head!

Someone has just given him another tank. Tropical.

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