I'm Planning On Breeding.


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
QC, Philippines
A 5.5 gallon tank, bare-bottom, with some live plants and a small corner filter. A trio (two males and a female) of cories. Will this set-up work? :huh:

Which is easiest to breed? Paleatus, Sterbai, or Panda?

Thanks in advance. :shout:

Tank size is OK and C. paleatus or C. panda would be OK, but I would put a thin layer of fine smooth grained sand on the bottom. This will stop the bacteria film from forming and causing problems to the fishes barbels.

apart from 5.5gallon being IMO too small, I have 5 Trill's in a 15gallon.

if you want to start within a few weeks, some times even days, buy the biggest ones about 1.5" - 2" as these will be mature (in most cories)

Spend a long time watching them make sure you get fit, and healthy fish, sometimes males can look like females at first glance, so watching them helps you to identify, when I bought my trills I spent a good 30mins-45mins looking at them.
and I got the 3 females and two males I wanted.

You will need some place for them to hide out, such as a cave or large-oish piece of monapi or bogwood.

Cories can be quite skitish in bare tanks so try for plastic plants so you can remove them and add them to the fry tanks, as they will lay on them.

hope this helps.
Alright. Thanks for the suggestions, coryman and studz. :D I'm gonna go with the pandas. They're all the same length, only difference is one is significantly fatter than the other two. Just behind the pectorals, right? Conditioning them now with frozen bloodworms.


Problem with the paleatus is one is significantly larger, but not really fat. I've heard that in peppers the size difference between sexes is very noticeable. The ones I have are two 1.5" and one 2+". D'you think the large one could be female? I'm waiting to see if she'll fatten up.


Oh, and one last question. Could I feed the fry boiled eggyolk and newly hatched mosquito larvae? That's what I feed my betta fry, just wondering if it could be applied to cories as well.

Thanks. :D


Edit: Added photos.
yeah the larger looks like a females and the smaller male.

thats the size difference between my female and male breeding trilineatus

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