I'm New To The Coral Aspect Of Saltwater Tanks.. I Need Some Hones


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
hey everyone, ive been on this site for a while now, i work in an office where i have a lot of time to read forums, ive read alot of information and a lot of peoples problems that they are having with there tanks only to further my knowledge on this hobby. Now my biggest problem im having is that everyone has there own opinion and most of the time, they always conterdict each other.

What i want is some serious critics to rate my lighting and to let me know what im available to grow in my tank and what corals do not need to be fed, other then by the light.

my light is at this address: http://www.bigalsonline.ca/BigAlsCA/ctl366...oonglowledlamps

much appriciated.
Well, in the end the depth of the tank is really the limiting factor, but since almoast all 36" tanks I know of are 18-24" deep, I'll assume that's the case with your tank. I used a very similar light (2x96watt PC) over my 45g for many months and was able to grow some corals with it. This light is by no means poweful or efficient as far as aquarium lighting goes, but is good for a beginner to get his/her feet wet. I was able to successfully keep most soft corals and most easier LPS corals with this light. Growth rates were anything but fast, but the corals did not suffer under the light. I was not able to keep SPS (they lived, but didnt grow and their color suffered), and didnt even try to keep clams or nems.

What I did keep successfully was: Hammer, Frogspawn, Torch, Yellow Leather, Zooanthid, Palythoa, Palythoa grandis, mushrooms (actinodiscus sp), Xenia, Open brain, Favites brain, and green star polyps.
awsome exactly what i was looking for... is there any addon lights i can get i.e metal halide lights that would make it better?
Well sure, adding lighting would certainly make it better. What size tank do you have?
65 us gallons, i have 110 lbs of live rock and everything for now seems to be going perfectly other then the anomone prob in my other post

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