I'm new to bettas


New Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Hi I just recently got a new little betta as one of my birthday presents and got really interested into fish. I read alot about bettas but still require some help.

Can someone give me some newbie tips on bettas and also answer these questions?

1. How big should the tank be?
2. Can I put other fish with my Male Betta?
3. What should the temprature of the tank be?
4. What should I feed him and how much?
5. Is it safe to pet him... :rofl: Sorry Im a newbie i dont really know??
6. Will he eat another male betta if I put another one in.

My tank is currently 5.5 Gallons, and I'm gonna put the fish in there later on tomorow. Right now hes in a little tiny tank.
1. How big should the tank be?
2. Can I put other fish with my Male Betta?
3. What should the temprature of the tank be?
4. What should I feed him and how much?
5. Is it safe to pet him... Sorry Im a newbie i dont really know??
6. Will he eat another male betta if I put another one in.

1. Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons. I see you have a 5.5 and that's very good! :)

2. You can,but bettas are notorious fin nippers to fish with long flowy fins so be careful. Some corydora catfish may be a good choice. :)

3. The temp should be 78-80 degrees. They like to be warm.

4. You should feem him a few pellets each day or just a bite or two of treats,they have small tummies (about the size of their eye) and they will eat to no end.

5. LOL If he likes to be petted,go for it just don't pick him up and snuggle or anything. :lol:

6. YES he will kill another betta in the tank with him,or vice versa. That's a big no no.

HTH :)
1. How big should the tank be? That 5.5 gallon tank is perfect :)

2. Can I put other fish with my Male Betta? Yes, but in a 5 gallon tank there may not be a lot of room. You could try some African Dwarf Frogs.

3. What should the temprature of the tank be? I'd say 78-82

4. What should I feed him and how much? 2-3 pellets is usually enough, I feed the same for bloodworms.

5. Is it safe to pet him... Sorry Im a newbie i dont really know?? I really don't know....

6. Will he eat another male betta if I put another one in. The two males will fight to the death.
1. How big should the tank be?
Half a gallon is fine.
2. Can I put other fish with my Male Betta?
Depends how big your tank is. No fin-nippers like tiger barbs. Cories get along real well with bettas.
3. What should the temprature of the tank be?
For the betta, 75F - 82F
4. What should I feed him and how much?
I feed my guys once every other day (Hikari Bio-Gold betta pellets and freeze-dried red grub mosquito larvae). Keeps the water clean longer since I don't run filtration for most of them, and it keeps them alert and a bit more aggressive/responsive.
5. Is it safe to pet him... Sorry Im a newbie i dont really know??
Yes, if he does not run away from you. But PLEASE rinse your hands throughly before and after you pet/play with him.
6. Will he eat another male betta if I put another one in.
No. He will just try to kill him because that is what the other will do to him.

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