Fish Herder
I have to admit I havent read every post (naughty me) but there are excellent threads on breeding in the Betta FAQ. Also you probably arent likely to make much money from it as it can be quite expensive. You need live foods for the fry which a lot of people are a bit put off by. You need to condition the parents and not every spawn will end in success. I think most people find its a labour of love rather than a money making venture. As long as you read everything you can find on breeding etc you should do well, but its no where near as easy as breeding guppies. Good luck
You'd really want the express mail so would cost you a bit more. Hes a lovely CT, not sure I personally would pair those two, but they both look nice
Also this is a good link http
Nevermind, I just found it. And what do you think of this pair? They a beautiful, free shipping, and guaranteed to arrive alive. It also includes a heating pad. Bingo?
You'd really want the express mail so would cost you a bit more. Hes a lovely CT, not sure I personally would pair those two, but they both look nice
Also this is a good link http