I'm New In The Business

I have to admit I havent read every post (naughty me) but there are excellent threads on breeding in the Betta FAQ. Also you probably arent likely to make much money from it as it can be quite expensive. You need live foods for the fry which a lot of people are a bit put off by. You need to condition the parents and not every spawn will end in success. I think most people find its a labour of love rather than a money making venture. As long as you read everything you can find on breeding etc you should do well, but its no where near as easy as breeding guppies. Good luck

Nevermind, I just found it. And what do you think of this pair? They a beautiful, free shipping, and guaranteed to arrive alive. It also includes a heating pad. Bingo?


You'd really want the express mail so would cost you a bit more. Hes a lovely CT, not sure I personally would pair those two, but they both look nice

Also this is a good link http://www.bettysplendens.com/articles/catview.imp?catid=855
You may have said this already but where are you from? If you are in the states, you should be able to buy a CT pair for around $6.00 in any lfs. They are extremely common in the states. Also make sure (if this hasn't already been said) that you have a place to sell them before you breed. I know that the chain pet stores around here won't buy back any fish, but there is a family owned fish store here that buys them from me all the time. So, I would check into it and make sure. If you are able to find a certain kind in the lfs then you probably won't have a great chance at selling them (unless the store already said they will buy them from you). If you are in the UK, you have a much better shot of selling CT's online because I know they don't get them over there as much.

I would suggest buying 1 or 2 bettas and keeping them for a few months before trying to spawn. You will be amazed at how much more info you will gain over time and experience. I know you have read all about them, but nothing compares to the knowledge you will gain in actually owning one.
I compramised. To avoid getting scolded, I'm not gonna tell everybody what I decided to do, but it will work. Trust me. Mom and I have it all worked out and I'm gonna have my fish tomarro probably!! YAAAY!!! I'll try to get some pick and post them:)

You may have said this already but where are you from? If you are in the states, you should be able to buy a CT pair for around $6.00 in any lfs. They are extremely common in the states. Also make sure (if this hasn't already been said) that you have a place to sell them before you breed. I know that the chain pet stores around here won't buy back any fish, but there is a family owned fish store here that buys them from me all the time. So, I would check into it and make sure. If you are able to find a certain kind in the lfs then you probably won't have a great chance at selling them (unless the store already said they will buy them from you). If you are in the UK, you have a much better shot of selling CT's online because I know they don't get them over there as much.

I would suggest buying 1 or 2 bettas and keeping them for a few months before trying to spawn. You will be amazed at how much more info you will gain over time and experience. I know you have read all about them, but nothing compares to the knowledge you will gain in actually owning one.
I live in the states and I like your idea. I was actually thinking about branching out and getting 3. I've had betas before, but nevr tried to breed them. They were just pets and ended up dieing becuase of one thing or another. You don't have to wory about the new guys though, im much more experienced with fish now:)
I'm really sorry if this sounds rude because it isn't my intent. To me it sounds as if you are allowing your excitement to get the best of you. This isn't a science experiment! If you came on here asking for advice, please listen to it. Everyone that has posted on here has experience with bettas (and mo is a moderater on another betta forum) and is only trying to help you. If you don't want our advice, then please don't ask. To make a statement like you did strongly implies that you know you are going to try it out in a way you shouldn't but you don't care. You don't want to tell us because you apparently know better. You don't need to tell me what you plan to do but for the bettas interest, please really consider all perspectives.

:blush: Ok I just read the bottom half of your last post and I apologize for not seeing it before! Where do you live? I'm down in Texas (so hot down here!!!) :rolleyes:
its really good that youve got your mums support, you read so much on forums where parents get sick to death of fish tanks that their children have.
i think your a gutsy teenager and you come across as quite well on the forum, i see a few teenagers on heer and im getting quiet emotional thinking back to my childhood and wish that i was able to stand up to life so well.................good on you!!!!!!!!
were here for advice and to give advice and we all learn things either the hard way or the easy way and im sure your gunna have some fun on here and cant wait to see those beautiful betta pics when you get them.

but be careful sounds like your mum might be trying to steal your betta idea off you, keep your guard up coz she'll fall in love with them as soon as she see's them and tell her if she wants one she can buy one off you when you successfully breed them :hyper: :hyper:
It's great that you have your mom backing you up. If I didn't have my wife backing me up with what I do with angels I wouldn't be half as far as I am.

With breeding anything you have to think marketing & customers. You have to have customers to buy your product, and you have to have a superior product. Your lfs is just one sales outlet, find local clubs & auctions, often you will run into brokers there. Check out http://fins.actwin.com/dir/clubs.php Once in a while the links are out of date, you can usually find their current website with a google search.

Have plenty of room for overstock. It never fails that when you have fish ready to go, so does every other local breeder. It will take a couple of years to figure out the cycle of your local market. Betta breeders are one of the few that understand that a fish doesn't need to be kept in a traditional glass aquarium, you would think breeders of other fish would have learned from this, glass tanks are expensive.

I admire your enthusiasm; just don't be discouraged at first as there is a learning curve that doesn't include just breeding. Marketing & sales can be tougher than breeding itself, but once you get that figured out is is another enjoyable aspect of this hobby.
There's a nice tropical fish store within walking distance of my house that was just recently bought by a much nicer couple. Well, at leat I think their a couple. Anyway, they seem to really know what their doing and have agreed to buy back my guppies as soon as the reach an inch in size. I'm pretty shure she will agree to take on the young battas as well.

And as for the person that posted just after my last post, don't wory, my compromise is only temporary! My pay-day is comming up in about a week and a half and that will give me enough money for a 10gal tank. Mom might even help me out too! Then I'll go for the bigger tank, but I see no reason why it shouln't be just 20gal. or even 10! How many could possibly build up before I could tell wether they are males or females? And once I can, jars and spaces to put them are NOT AT ALL an issue! I have tons of shelf space and a g-ma who will give me as many as I need, no limit! Sweet hu? What kind of areation and filtration to bettas need? And would it be ok to go without a lid for a month or so or are they jumpers?

Oh, and I decided to include a picture of my guppy fry grow-up tank just to show you how spoiled they are! I could have just added a pump and a heater and be done with it, but I love them to much! Plus I got a $60 gift certificut from my g-ma so i had a little money to spare! (my g-ma rules!!)

Edit: Sorry, the pic was too big. Let me go shrink it then try again
Okay, heres the pic!


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Update again

I decided that I should wait considering mom said I could set up brick and wook shelves in my room so that eliminates the cost of insulation, heating, and cooling. Now all I have to do is make the money to buy the shelves and couple more tanks. Then I'll be al ready to buy the topest quality pair or trio of bettas I can find!! I'm getting ahead of myself. For now I'll just focus on earning the money and tell you how I do on that :rolleyes:

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