Im New - About Guppies/rainbow Sharks


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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I baught 3 female guppies and one male along with one rainbow shark, the shark does nothing and hides in the ship wreck all day -.- and the guppies stay far away and bail to the other side of the tank when it pops its head around, so should I get rid of the shark ? by the way I have only had my tank just over one month
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How big is the tank? I don't know if you're aware but rainbow sharks grow pretty big and will need a tank around 55gal

If the tank is big enough then I'm not 100% about their compatability, but I'd have thought they'd be fine together. Perhaps they are just nervous as they are in new surroundings.
Thank :D and my tank is 50-60 gal, so im guessing it should be ok, and does any 1 know if it will get more active ?

i have
4 guppies
1 albino cory
2 platies
2 dwarf gouramies
1 rainbow shark
4 zebra danios

is that too much for the shark to live with ?
Your albino cory needs some friends they should be kept in groups of 4+, 6 or more ideally. Also the platies, danios and guppies should be in groups of 6 or more
oh, ok but do i have enough room, and will my shark liven up ?

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