I'm Looking For Simple Answer To A Lighting Question


New Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I'm looking for simple answer to a lighting question (if there is one) . The more I read about lighting the more I get confused. The tank that I am asking about is a 55 gallon (standard 4 foot long) and the lighting fixtures are the ones that came with the tank. The fixtures are side by side lengthwise on the tank and each holds an 18 " (i think it's 15 watt) bulb. I have sand as the substrate. The fish that I have are red zebras, rustys, acei, and socolofi. I plan on adding (when I can find them) possibly hongi and/or saulosi. What bulbs can I get (that won't cost tooooooo much) that will show of the colors of these fish. I prefer not to use a bulb that gives the water a yellowish tint. Thanks for your help
hi i always use Powerglo and aquaglo, they made by "Hagan" and they both have different lighting effects,

the aquaglo- provides a mid range strength light, but brings out the red's in fish, so your rusty's should look good, so will salousi and hongi's

the powerglo- provides a very bright light should light the whole tank up and show off blues and yellows of fish.

try using a reflector on the aquaglo only, it gives a very good effect.

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