I'm Looking For Compatible Schooling Fish!


New Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Ontario, Canada
I have a 40 gallon aquarium with two juvenile firemouth cichlids, that I'm hoping will pair-up, and a 4" hi-fin lepard pleco. I would really like to add a group of schooling fish, but I'm not sure what! I have considered 10-12 tiger barbs, but am concerned about their aggression/fin-nipping. Rosy barbs may be okay, but don't stay in a very tight school. I would really like to add barred danios (they tend to stay in a very tight school), but am not sure if they would be too small once the firemouths mature.
Giant Danios are the most suitable Dither for smaller cichlids IMO, although they are quite active so I wouldn't have anymore than 5 in a 40G.
Colombian Tetras, Buenos Airies tetras, Gold barbs or Pentazona barbs could also be used.

IMO Rosy barbs will get a bit too big.
Your hi-fin leopard Pleco (which i'm assuming is a gibbiceps) will also massively outgrow the tank.
Giant Danios are the most suitable Dither for smaller cichlids IMO, although they are quite active so I wouldn't have anymore than 5 in a 40G.
Colombian Tetras, Buenos Airies tetras, Gold barbs or Pentazona barbs could also be used.

IMO Rosy barbs will get a bit too big.
Your hi-fin leopard Pleco (which i'm assuming is a gibbiceps) will also massively outgrow the tank.

Yes, the pleco is a Gibbiceps. It is now about 2.5 years old and getting a little big for the 40 gallon he is in. Soon he'll be going to a new home.
Thanks for your Pentazona barb suggestion. I haddn't thought of them. I really like the look and shoaling action of Tiger barbs, so they may be a good substitute! I've never seen them live before...do they behave similarlly to Tiger barbs minus the fin-nipping?
Have you had any experience with Barred danios. I understand them to be a 'medium sized' danio....maybe a little more appropriate in size than the Giant?
Barred Danios should be fine with Firemouths, provided that is you can find them.
tbh I've never seen them available and I work in the trade,
Barred Danios should be fine with Firemouths, provided that is you can find them.
tbh I've never seen them available and I work in the trade,

The LFS in my area has them on a semi-regular basis. Why do you think they are so hard to come by?
depending on the temperment of the firemouths then you could try congo tetrasi have some in with my green terror but he is miles too aggressive so i will be taking them back for some filament barbs which are more robust and faster but with firemouths they arent too aggressive so congo's would be a nice idea have about 4-6 of these guys
Why do you think they are so hard to come by?

species availability seems to differ greatly from area to area,
Personally i've never seen one in the flesh or even on our fish suppliers listings.
Seriously,I have had 6-3"exodons in with my red devil and flowerhorn since they were 2" long.No problems than and definetly not now since the rd and the fh are 5+inches now.
I also have 6 exodons with my 2- 12" piranhas,2 small flowerhorns[2"],2- 6" red devils,1-jellybean,6- electric blue lobsters.All is very well.exodons are not bad I just believe they bring calmness and very little conflicts with other fish.Just my 2cents worth.
I also have 6 exodons with my 2- 12" piranhas,2 small flowerhorns[2"],2- 6" red devils,1-jellybean,6- electric blue lobsters.All is very well.exodons are not bad I just believe they bring calmness and very little conflicts with other fish.Just my 2cents worth.

firemouths aren't exactly in the same league as piranhas, flowerhorns and RD's though, and could easily strip one of its fins if they weren't kept well fed

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