I'm kinda discouraged right now.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
because I have 4 tanks on my desk, I just asked one of my coworkers if he wanted to keep one of the tanks at his desk for a little company. I told him I'd still take care of the tank, and he's just need to pay it some attention and drop in pellets once a day.

Here's what he said back:
"That is really nice of you, but I don’t really want anything else on my desk.
I know you are trying to do some good, but 10 fish?? 10 tanks?? You need to open a rescue league."

I think it was kinda rude and I am feeling suddenly like I should start giving some of my tanks away and the thought had NEVER occurred to me before that I have too many fish. I keep their tanks in perfect condition, I feed them all every day and I pay them all some specific attention every single day.
Is there such a thing as having too many tanks?
not if there all being caared for no as long as all the fish are happy and healthy
You can NEVER have to many tanks!..Your co-worker is just a miserable git :nod: If that was me then I would have at least another 5 tanks on my desk by tomorrow and tell him that you have done this because the fish are far more entertaining than him :rolleyes:
Its funny.... if you have a habit of 40 cigarettes a day, your seen as a bit unhealthy, but have 10 fish you (mostly) rescued from bad situations your called a nutter....
It almost made me want to cry.

He knew when I emailed him back that he had been a jerk and he apologized.
He THEN made a comment about how if he had one on his desk it could "quickly get out of control" for him too.
Which then again made him sound like a jerk.
OOooooh I'm really torked off.
germanshepherdlver said:
not if there all being caared for no as long as all the fish are happy and healthy
Well, because:
1 ) one of the fish (Jasper) has overcome a horrible disease and is now happy and healthy in his 2.5G tank
2 ) I arrived at work today to find the hugest bubble nest I've EVER seen (from Charlie)
3 ) Lucky is furiously growing his tail back
4 ) The new guy is flaring and flaunting like crazy

it seems like they're all happy and healthy to me. :dunno:
I even talk to them. (I get odd looks, but I don't care)

I'd rather keep a hundred fish and have to spend ALL my free time taking care of them than see one person keep one animal in less than perfect conditions.
;) Unfortunately in this world a little rain must fall. Some people just can't see the good side of anything. They are negative on just about everything in life, including themselves.

A lot of people don't realize that these little guys have personalities. They just regard them as fish. It takes a bit to understand things. My niece didn't understand why her Betta acted so interested in things until I explained them to her. Her Betta was over three when they lost him. They went out and bought another one but unfortunately he passed away immediately. Now they have a blue one instead of red and he's doing quite nicely. She's no longer worried about his reactions with her daughter because she understands now that he'll be an active part of their life.

Cheer up.... my family comes here and the first words I hear are... "not another tank".... I just told them about the 150 fry and bought a larger tank. I didn't tell them about the tank coming in the mail.........................
You obviously care deeply for your fish but you will have to excuse the few non fish people out there just dont get it.

I am very often met with this look of bewilderment when I get all excited because I have a new fish. Just remember we are the sane ones!
The girl who sits in the cube next to me just came over and asked if she could "babysit" one of my fish for a while. :hyper:

Damn, what great timing.
Now I have to decide who i will send over there.
Hmm - I don't want to part with any of them!!!
Granted, he will only be 10 feet away from me now and she's a total animal lover (she's even a vegetarian) so he'll be in good hands. Yay!
Most people never understand people who really like animals...it's like we evolved into a different specie or something.

My mom doesn't understand it..and constantly barades me about it..I quit listening to what she was actually saying years ago though...here's what I get now...
I wouldn't worry about what anyone else says, as long as you are happy with your "little ones" and you are able to take care of them properly (which I know you do just by reading your posts) :nod: it's no one else's business if you have 100 tanks!! My husband thinks I am going nuts because I talk to my fish. :crazy: My son just smiles and pats my shoulder, "I'm glad you have a hobby, mom." Little do they know that as time goes on I plan to add several more tanks. :shifty: I am glad you found someone in your office that can help "babysit." I have already lined up a co-worker to feed my office betta when I go on vacation and I haven't even gotten him yet ;). The betta-less people of the world just don't know what they are missing. We should pity them. :rolleyes:
Yeah... you're all right.
I'll just live in my little betta world right now.
I LOVE being surrounded by so many little eyeballs just waiting for some attention.
It makes me feel so needed in this huge corporate office building.
I can see BettaMomma spying on the babysitter dressed as a office plant. :p
Dont worry about what other people think BettaMomma, you have a heart and you give a crap about living things. Nothing wrong with that! It just shows what a wonderful person you are! :wub: :D
By the way feel free to send some tanks and fishies this way, I will be more than happy to "babysit" them ... *evil plots about how to steal BettaMommas fishies* :p

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