Okay, I'm not sure about the salt....... There are 2 sterbai cories and a bristlenose in there, so I should probably leave it? I am just about to drop my daughter to school and want to get started with the water change as soon as I return from the pet store. How much water should I remove? 50% or more severe like 70%? And should I do a vaccuum and full clean at this time? Filter included? Do I put the treatment I am going to buy, in with the new water bit by bit? I actually add the water in small amounts at tank temp. Or is it best to fill it up and add the treatment in the full tank?
It doesn't seem to look any worse this morning. Also I changed thier diet to alternate with shrimp/brine and flakes. This shrimp doesn't carry it does it? Is it a live disease/virus or can it lay dormant in frozen food? I started that 6 days ago. How long is the incubating period for this white spot?