Im Going Nano


Fish Fanatic
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, England
I have decided to have a go at creating a nano reef tank after many years of FW fish caring i think i am ready for the challenge. I have been reading up on the nano reefs for a while now and i am almost ready to purchase a tank. I just have a couple of questions:
What exactly does a sump do and how vital is it for a nano reef?

Can any tanks be used, For example a juwel tank that has been used for freshwater in the past, obviously i will change the filtration system over but yer?

any help will be appreciated!!
a sump is used to house equipment, ora refugium, and such in a seperate tank hooked to the main tank. it hides some stuff and is also used for filtration. It is NOT needed tho. im not familiar with the juwel tanks but most tanks can be used, just clean it with viniger and then rinse it out real good.

some one else can probly explain the sump better than me. hope this helps tho
A sump is used to expand your water volume and is a place to put additional live rock, macroalgae, and a skimmer if you choose to use one. It is a HUGE advantage to have as much water as possible in your system as this gives more volume for tank pollution to dilute in.

Most of the nano tanks I've encountered do not use a sump, they are simply too small to make use of one as the sump would likely be larger than the main tank. This is part of the reason why nano reefs are considered to be more difficult to run than traditional systems, they lack volume and can't take water stat hits like big tanks can.

As far as the fresh tank is concerned, just rinse it out good so there is no debris left in there, the vinigar is probably a good idea too. Then go ahead and use it!

Hope that answers your question!

Thanks guys helps alot appreciate it. I am going to get started in buying all the kit asap. Will let you know how i get on.


A sump is used to expand your water volume and is a place to put additional live rock, macroalgae, and a skimmer if you choose to use one. It is a HUGE advantage to have as much water as possible in your system as this gives more volume for tank pollution to dilute in.

Most of the nano tanks I've encountered do not use a sump, they are simply too small to make use of one as the sump would likely be larger than the main tank. This is part of the reason why nano reefs are considered to be more difficult to run than traditional systems, they lack volume and can't take water stat hits like big tanks can.

As far as the fresh tank is concerned, just rinse it out good so there is no debris left in there, the vinigar is probably a good idea too. Then go ahead and use it!

Hope that answers your question!

SLC tank has a 'sump', but, it was created with the ingenuity of others. My tank has three filtration chambers in the back and I DIY'd one into a refugium. A refugium is HIGHLY recommended for a nano if you can do it.....placing a macroalgae in a refugium is a GREAT way to remove nitrates from your system. Nitrates are the bane of nano reefers. A refugium can be put in the sump, or, can simply be a separate addition to the tank. Some add HOB filters and make up refugiums in the them. you need a sump? No. Is it nice to have a separate area for your equipment to not detract from your reefscape? Yes. Is a refugium helpful? Absolutely. Good luck. SH

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