I'm going away for a few days

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Back!! :)
We had fun and I barely worried about the fish at all. We did stay the entire five days as well, it went by really quickly for us....probably not so fast for my doggy dog dog :( :wub: I couldn't WAIT to get home to her and I broke down in tears when I saw the sign that said 'Ft.Worth exit' :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Never again will we leave home without her like that. My husband thought she would be a huge pain but there wasn't one point in the trip that she would have been a bother.

Aaaanyhoo, out of all the fish there was only one loss. An orange plakat female who had been severely bloated for a few weeks now, so it wasn't really a shocker but everybody else looks fantastic :thumbs: My midas was soooo mad. We came in and we were gushing all over the dog and he was over in his tank smacking the walls and splashing everywhere trying to get attention. It was funny. :rolleyes:

Jen~ we went down to an island off the gulf, Port Aransas. I wasn't too impressed (having lived on an island in Florida for a few years when I was a kid),but it was okay.
Welcome back! :kana: I didn't even see the thread saying you were leaving... :*) Of course, you know how out-of-control I get when I don't think any mods are around. (jk) :lol:
Nah, things seemed pretty good here when I browsed the board last night :thumbs: All is well.

Missed you guys too. On the first night after all was settled and there was really nothing left to do but go to bed or watch TV, I really missed the internet :look: But after that I got used to being without it pretty quick.
*sings in Mr. Potter theme music*

Welcome back..welcome back...welllllcome baaaack ;)

Hope you had a blast.
It's funny you should mention significant music, when I came in and I was heading down the hall to the fishroom to check on everybody I could hear the stereo in there playing Pearl Jam "Oh I,oh...I'm still alive" and it was a weird/cool moment :wub:
hey welcome back. i got a new betta while you were gone. may your plakat girl rest in peace :byebye:
Yaaaaaay, you're back! Hope you had a great time (because now that you're fully rested you get to deal with us again, mwahahaha) :D
:wub: :lol:
You guys don't bother me, the larger percentage of ya's anyway :p
I'm glad to be back :wub:
Thanks Whiskerz :wub:
That little orange girl was a bummer but I kinda expected her to go anyway. She just kept getting bigger and bigger....and bigger -_- But she still ate and swam around. Right before I left my gut told me to put her out of sight of the others, but since she wasn't ill enough to be seperated or anything I decided it might bum her out to be alone and I left her by her sisters. I thought a few days without food would do her good. Now I feel sorry for the girls who had to look at her for a couple of days :X

I didn't see this message before you left either, but then it's gotten nearly impossible for me to keep up on all the threads here the past couple months :p. Glad you had a nice trip, though I sympathize about leaving the dog. When I was younger and we went on a trip Mom said I could only take 1 of my 2 dogs, and oh how I ached to have both with me. I blubbered too when we got back and were reunited :D
uggh, Haiku, that was the worst part by far. I thought about her every hour, it was unreal. I felt like a stupid little kid who wanted her doggy :lol:
I just wanted to go home and kiss her cutie pie snout. I missed the jingle of her tags behind me when I walked, she's my theme music. Everywhere I go,there she is. Not to mention the heat here, it's been tipping the 100 degree mark and she HATES to be hot. I had to give her at least ten ice cubes to cool her down when I came home. Never again. Nevah!

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