I'm going away for a few days


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
I'll be back next Thursday, hopefully sooner. I'm really counting on my six year old to throw a "I want to go home,NOW!" fit. Please come through for me kiddo.

I'm a bit nervous about leaving my fish for so long but they should be just fine. I've finished water changes on all of my big tanks. I'll do all of the bettas in a few. I'm mostly worried about my wild bettas, they've only been here a few weeks and I hope they do well. They'll probably do better than my silver spoon babies :rolleyes: Speaking of whom, gah, my wittle four month olds seem so small to me suddenly.

Anyhoo, I figure the fish are better off on their own than they are with someone caring for them. I asked a friend of mine to stop by one day and feed the smallest crew a couple of pellets, and to check on my dog and rabbit. One of my husbands friends is in charge of doggy duties as well so she'll be okay. Just a little heartbroken.

This is my first *vacation* ever, it seems. I grew up on the beach and in NY so we never had to go far for good times. This bites, a little bit :lol:

Anyway, you guys be good and take care.
Awww, I'm sure they'll be fine Wuv :)

Have yourself a great vacation and will be sending "child in a paddy wanting to go home" vibes your way in a couple of days time :lol:
i dont like trips for that reason someone has to stay home w/ the fish so i dont freak out..i take pics of all of my fish w/ me so i see their cute wittle faces even when im not there
Need some help with them ... seeing as to house i live like 10 minutes away from you... maybe less :p hehe i will help you out... no charge :)
Thanks for the offer, daudy but I think we've got it covered.

I've been planning this for months, it seems. Up until yesterday I was certain they'd be ok alone the entire time, but I backed out the night before last :lol: :rolleyes:

Thanks Joby and FE :wub:

50,000 Tears~ I thought about taking a ton of pictures with me too :*) I already snapped a few of the dog and rabbit. I know my kiddo is going to start missing both terribly, as will I. She's already saying "I can't believe I'm leaving my little rah and har har :( " so I get the feeling we'll be gone three days...max. But ya never know, she might love it. Myself,on the other hand, I'd be perfectly happy going for one day and coming right back home :) I'm a homebody :p
I know how you feel. I am a homebody too. I have to go away this summer for a weekend and I am dreading it. I don't want to leave my babies for that long. Again, have a good time.
Have a good time on your vacation, wuv. But don't be surprised if you come back to total chaos on the betta forums. You know the old saying, while the cat's away, the mice will play... :p Seriously have a good time!
wuvmybetta said:
Thanks for the offer, daudy but I think we've got it covered.

I've been planning this for months, it seems. Up until yesterday I was certain they'd be ok alone the entire time, but I backed out the night before last :lol: :rolleyes:
ok just wondering :)... i just wanna watch your bettas :p im using oyu to see your bettas :p jk
OrkyBetta said:
Have a good time on your vacation, wuv. But don't be surprised if you come back to total chaos on the betta forums. You know the old saying, while the cat's away, the mice will play... :p Seriously have a good time!
Noooooooo! :X
This is my "you guys be good" thread :lol: I thought about not saying anything so you all would think I'm just lurking anonymously as usual :shifty:

Thanks, Styx! I'll try.

daudy :rolleyes:
Awesome, Kelly. I hope you guys have a great time. I'm sure the wilds will do fine - they've probably seen leaner days than this... :p

By the by, where are you going?
i'm gona be gone mon-fri. but i got some advice, use those things that automaticaly feed ur fish, that's what i'm doin.
Pack your beg and go for vacation. You worried too much and you need time break!!!! LOL What are you packing in your luggage??? HAHAHA How come got bettas there??? LOL J/K :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Enjoy your holiday and have fun!!! :kana: :kana: :kana:

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