Never thought I'd consider a hexagon tank, due to the lack of footprint and the incredibly limited stocking options. But haven't found many other options available for sale right now, and this one comes with heater, filter, lights, usual aquarium guff, and I'd like to set something up fairly quickly.
My 15 gallon guppy fry grow out/quarantine tank is being converted into a soft water tank, so need another grow out tank fairly soon. Guppy fry might be the only thing I'd keep in a hexagon tank, especially since it would only be temporary. So I started wondering what I do with it to make it look interesting, since it would be an interesting tank to try to scape. Pictured making a rock/wood feature that climbed the back or one side of the side, some tall plants, then imagined it would be great for shrimp.. and that made me take it seriously for a minute.
Talk me out of buying this stupid small horribly shaped tank. It would only be worth getting as a temp tank for quarantine/fry grow out, and a standard 7 gal even would be better for that. Plus if I scape it and fill it with shrimp, it would be useless as a quarantine tank, and I'd wind up having to get another.
Lack of sleep and stress must have temporarily made me lose possession of my sanity. Talk some sense into me please and make me wait until something sensible comes along.
My 15 gallon guppy fry grow out/quarantine tank is being converted into a soft water tank, so need another grow out tank fairly soon. Guppy fry might be the only thing I'd keep in a hexagon tank, especially since it would only be temporary. So I started wondering what I do with it to make it look interesting, since it would be an interesting tank to try to scape. Pictured making a rock/wood feature that climbed the back or one side of the side, some tall plants, then imagined it would be great for shrimp.. and that made me take it seriously for a minute.
Talk me out of buying this stupid small horribly shaped tank. It would only be worth getting as a temp tank for quarantine/fry grow out, and a standard 7 gal even would be better for that. Plus if I scape it and fill it with shrimp, it would be useless as a quarantine tank, and I'd wind up having to get another.
Lack of sleep and stress must have temporarily made me lose possession of my sanity. Talk some sense into me please and make me wait until something sensible comes along.