I'm confuzzled....


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Well, to start off.... I've done it again. Yes, I got another :) He's a white VT. A bit 'dirty' looking on his head, but still a beaut. Anyways...
The shop had a tankful of what looked exactly like females, but apparently were male. I asked to make sure they hadn't mislabeled, but the guy said they were a more peaceful sub-species of betta splendens. As I said, they were exactly like females. And considering they were £3 each (their usual price for splendens), I didn't think they were a rarish type. Sooo... what are they? I really want one, but have nowhere to put one. Hopefully I'm getting a 3g for the new guy tomorrow, and hopefully I can get the 10g I want. Although.... I might get another splendens. Pets At home had a VERY nipped up VT. I overheard a guy mentioning it, apparently they'd just moved it as it was being bitten by the tetras. Well, we'll see what cash I have :D
When you say a mucky colour on the head do you mean a greyish patch.
No, I mean dirty as in not the posh white colours you get off good breeders :) I've checked him over, nothing to worry about. What I'm wondering about is the sub-species puzzler.
Dart said:
are they just plakets?
That's what I think. Plakats tend to tolerate their siblings moreso than regular bettas. What color were they?
I had two plakat brothers that liked to swim with eachother, they never fought, but I only put them together twice, and just for two mins, as I read they like to show off at eachother, so I wanted to let them do that ,but not actually fight. and they just swam around with eachother, no fighting, etc.
Someone else will be able to fill you in on this better, but I have heard people talk about "peaceful bettas". I think after the discussion that was had on that particular thread on here, it was determined it was the type that wuv is talking about, but I'm not sure.

I know that someone had spotted them in a fish store and they were labeled as just that... "peaceful bettas". I don't really know much more about them than that.
The guy said not to keep it with 'regular' bettas. Which I'm not going to do anyway, it just looked nice and as it seems not as aggressive would go nicely in my albino setup :)
I'm going to a biiig petshop tomorrow (sells very few live aminals, mostly food and housing etc.) so I'm planning to get a 3 ish gallon for the new guy and a 10 for my albino setup. And if I've got time, i'll get the white mystery betta.
Well, there IS a "peaceful betta", but it's not betta splendens. It's betta imbellis. From what I understand, they're kinda rare, though, so I'm not sure it would be one of those. I think you can tell by the color of the strip on their gill cover, but I forget which is which. I know I started a thread around here somewhere about it. They look a lot like plakats or females, so I can see why you might be confused. I'm just not sure if they would really be them since they're so rare. Supposedly, though, the males can be kept together successfully.

I'm interested to know if the imbellis could be bred with the long finned splendens to get a long finned, peaceful betta. Can you imagine a tank full of bettas all swimming together?? *drools*
I'm sure its not imbellis. I thought of that, but thet're hardly going to be selling imbellis for £3, are they?
That's about how much my lfs sells imbellis for. The IBC's got a great species page, check the imbellis profile out (and many other unbelievable species.... :drool: )

Look here.
I could see imbellis going for £3 at a pet shop... I don't think they're that rare (compared to other wild species,) and aren't overly expensive on Aquabid. I've never seen a white imbellis though, so they probably are just plakats :dunno:

Imbellis can hybridize with splendens, btw :nod:

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