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how many otos can i get and what should i feed them when the algae is gone?
from the catfish database

by aurutus:

Common name: Oto, Otto, Otocinclus

Scientific name: Otocinclus affinis

Origin: South America

Family: Loricariidae

Maximum size: 2 inches

Care:Needs a tank of 10 gallons minimum. Keep at temperatures of 75-79f. A peaceful community fish. An ideal algae eater for small aquariums. This catfish likes to be in groups of three or more. A nice feature about this catfish is that it is not as shy as most species. It can often be found stuck to the sides of the tank or grazing rocks and leaves during the day. Do provide a few hiding places just in case this fish feels like a little privacy. A dark colored substrate makes this cat feel more comfortable.

Feeding: Algae wafers as well as some vegetables. Loves brown algae and driftwood.

Sexing: Females are larger and rounder then males. Males have slightly longer fins which aren't really noticable at first glance.

Breeding: You need quite a few otos to get them "in the mood". They will lay eggs on rocks and leaves. Keep the water slightly softer to encourage breeding.

Comment: Be very careful when aclimating this fish and carefully monitor it's care the first 2-3 weeks. Many people have a hard time aclimating the otos and getting them to eat.

hope this helps :fun:
Just thought I'd mention I got a few golden otos a few weeks ago for one of my tanks and they've settled in great. My betta was a bit skeptical at first, but soon warmed to them. They don't take any notice of any of the other fish, and are definately better in a group. The other fish in there are endlers guppys, mountain minnows, black neon tetras, glow-lite tetras, some ancistrus and a few dwarf clawed frogs to boot. Not sure what your tank dimensions are, so I can't give you a number, but definately at least 3. The more the better really. They don't seem shy either, they're always chilling on the front glass. They got through all of my algae in pretty much 24 hours as well, so I've been feeding them veggies every now and again. (The apple snail is grateful too!) They don't seem to eat the green spot algae that grows on the glass though. Not that a quick wipe while changing water is all that laborious... =)
thank you all very much. to see if you guys think i should get them or not heres my stocking and tank size

20 gallons

5 gold barbs

2 balloon mollies

1 striped raphael catfish

6 praecox rainbows

i actually think im kinda fully stocked as is though, but ill go with whatever you guys say.
i also change the water every week to every other week by 30%-50% as well and i have plants if it makes a difference or not. and i think ill put the catfish by himself with some tetras in a 10 gallon, would that be ok? i wass planning to move him when i got my 55 gal tank but my parents said no :-( .
Hmm, I'm not too sure about moving the catfish to a 10 gallon. Is he fully grown? Might be ok for a while if he's still smallish, but in my opinion it wouldn't be enough room for him. But thats just me... If you do decide to move him though, you might want to steer clear of using a net to catch him. The pectoral fin can easily get tangled in the net and thats not great for stress levels. (for you -and- the fish!) Better off catching him with a glass or some kind of container/breeding trap or something...

As for the otos I'd be happy to put 4-5 in there as it is, but you might wanna keep it down to three. As long as you're not struggling to keep nitrates down every week, I'm sure they'll be happy in there. They don't get that big, and won't bother any of your other fish. One thing - Once they've quickly devoured all of your algae, (and that won't take long in a 20g) you'll need to feed them with wafers or veggies or similar. They seem to constantly graze on algae if it is present. Assuming you mean live plants they might snack on the softer variety if they get too hungry, but hopefully that won't be the case.

Oh yeah, acclimating them is a pretty crucial stage,its best to add very small amounts of water often to the bag while floating at the top rather than adding some and leaving for 5 mins etc. The first few weeks can be hit or miss, so monitor closely if you do decide to get some. Best of luck! =)
actually the catfish is still hasnt visibly grown alot, he is about a little smaller than the molly in the pic above.

we used to have 2 otos in the 20, but they died becasue the food that the guy at the petstore told us to get only was for cories and catfish not plecos and otos, but now i consult you guys and not them and my tank has never been better! ill probably get 3, maybe 4 and thanks alot, ill probably keep the catfish there until he gets like 5 inches?
Sounds good. I'm doubting the catfish will grow any bigger than 5 inches with that set up anyway, so if they're all happy in there you're sorted really. =)

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