I'm Afraid These Fish Won't Survive...

I put 2 more liters in today so the glass part of the thermometer is covered :) im leaving a couple inches at the top since I'll be adding some decor soon and maybe another plant so I don't want the tank overflowing when I reach down. The corys are so happy! They went to eachother almost instantly and rarely leave eachother. I did buy an outside sticker thermometer because i'm a bit paranoid with glass inside the tank (if it shattered or a fish hit it, that'd be awful). So the readings say its between 78-82 I believe. The thermometer was already on asetting before so I know how much to turn it up to get the temperature they had in last tank. I think what I will do is take back the 2 bigger fish (the diamond shaped ones ) since they kind of bully the other fish (especially the new corys.) plus my teacher said he'd like a couple of more, but I'll be keeping the others. That will bring my tank size down to 12, so I think thats going to be better. my biggest fear now is making sure the ammonia levels stay safe.
That's great, but the stick on thermometer won't be an accurate representation of your temps as it will also read the room temp, I would not rely on the dial of the heater either there are other thermometers out there that are not glass if you are worried, though the glass ones are pretty tough, I haven't broken one yet! flea bay has digital ones that only cost a couple of quid, all my tanks have them and I prefer them to the glass ones they have a little probe that goes in the tank and the display sticks to the outside of the tank here:http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LCD-Digital-Display-Aquarium-Vivarium-Thermometer-UK-seller-fast-dispatch-/251146288153?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Reptiles_Spiders_Insects&hash=item3a797c3c19
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Eek.... So I got my API water test and the results were bad. Ph was 7.6, ammonia 2ppm, nitrite 0.25 ppm and nitrate 5.0 ppm. What should I do now? I'm pretty much broke at this point (test kit was $5) so I really can't buy anything for a bit...
atleast the nitrite level is low...
Oh dear. Do an immediate water change, say 50%? And then re-check the ammonia and nitrite. Repeat if levels are still too high.
Water change done. I decided to leave 2 inches at the top of the tank empty because the filter isn't making as many bubbles, and it's as high as it can go. It's making small bubbles... Hopefully that plus plants will be enough oxygen. Now, do I test ammonia again or wait til tomorrow?
I would keep re-testing and water changing till the levels are zero, then wait until tomorrow.

Here this'll help you: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/224306-fish-in-cycling/
Just keep up with the water changes! Youll get there, as for the filter...if its causing a ripple at the surface,then the water is being oxygenated, dont worry about making bubbles with the filter to oxygenate the water :)
I did another testing last night and it was 1 ppm. I changed about 10-15% today this morning, I didn't have much time. Ill change more today and test when I get home. I took 2 of the fish back so my tank is down to 12. what ill also do is get a small bag of gravel from the old tank (with water ofc) and put that in my tank to help cycle it faster. The gravel is small so it won't hurt tje corys. hopefully by the end of this week my tank will be okay. I feel bad that these fish have been in water full of ammonia :( I hope I didn't cause them any long term harm.
It can take weeks for your tank to cycle so I wouldn't get your hopes up of it being done by the end of this week ;). And it is generally thought that most bacteria is on the filter media and not the gravel, water, decor etc. But I guess it wouldn't do any harm :good:.
it could help, used some "used" gravel whlst cycling my tank...its called seeding, might speed t up, but like its been said, it may not be by the end of the week :/
Ah okay, well I added a bit in today. Goods news is nitrite went down to 0, but ammonia is still 1ppm and nitrate didnt change from 5 ppm.. I did between a 30-40% change today total (came home and changed about 15%) and tested 10 minutes after. I guess I'll do 30% change everyday until the levels are down to 0. I'm happy about the nitrite atleast. I just hope it doesn't spike or anything. Plus, with 2 less fish I think it will also help with the ammonia. Just curious, but I've been very paranoid with feeding them. I fed them 2 pellets on monday and 1 last night, but they're so hungry still. The platys are eating algae from anywhere they can find and they'll try eating at the plants so i'm afraid i'm starving them... I just dont want to overfeed them and spike the ammonia levels, so how often should I be feeding them for now?
Don't worry too much about the nitrAte for now, it only becomes harmful in large amounts, ammonia and nitrIte are your biggest concerns. Keep doing 50% water changes until the ammonia is 0.25 or below. When you've done that continue to test twice a day and repeat the water changes if needed.

With regards to feeding, apparently fish do not have the ability to feel full, I'm not sure how true that is but I used to feed mine heaps and they were still hungry. The guideline is feed as much as they can consume within 2-3 minutes, but you should probably feed a little less to prevent too much ammonia building up.
I'll continue doing that then until I see results.
Now when I change the water, I have thos container I put the water in that holds a little over 2 liters. Ive been putting 2 drops and stirring in the conditioner. I just wanted to know if this is too much/too little of conditioner? I think its ok because the fish aren't reacting badly to the water (no red gills or anything). The bottle says 5ml per 10 gallons (38 liters) so i'm really not sure what that comes out to... i'm going to start mixing 1 gallon at a time so about how many drops would you recommend?
For 1 gallon you would need 0.5ml of dechlorinator, if my maths are correct lol.
Changed 50% and it's still between 0.50-1ppm (color is similar) but I'll say 1 ppm... Not sure. So do you mean I need to change their water 50% once a day until it's 0ppm or change the water all in one day until it tests 0? that would ruin good bacteria though I think... sorry for misunderstanding, just wanted to confirm :)
Hopefully the levels go down so I can feed them normally. I'll give them a little food tomorrow night before water change.

p.s. Im getting the water I test with from the filter flow. That wouldn't somehow affect the results right?

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