im afraid jamba is dying


May 2, 2004
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yes you heard me, dying. jamba and poor shela soon enough(still looking ok) are infected with a huge fungus infection. this morning i was out of town and my mom was taking care of them, both looking fine. by the time i arrived at 1230 from 700 jamba had lost a pectoral fin, multitude of fin, and alot of his body covered in a white cottony fungus. now in the one i was at dinner it has grown larger, spread to the fins even more, and has gotten onto the plants. im so sad, NEVER will this happen again. not only am i sad, i am mad because these 2 fish which are not doing great costed around 75$, with no shipping and handling included. yes i am medicating with salt and melafix, but im so afraid i came to late. im sorry for the sad story but i had to get it out.

:rip: :fish:
:/ :( :-(

hey, don't make it sound like it's the end! who knows....maybe they'll pull through! good luck...LOTS of it!

BTW, have any pics of them?
yea bettamax, my stupid LFS doesnt sell it. otherwise it would be great, all they have is bettafix and it has less concentration then melafix, i check.

as far as pics ill brb with em.

$75 seems like i was kinda wondering why they would be so expensive. as for the sick ones, i'm just curious as to how bad they look....
ok well they are from bettatalk and i got em for my birthday so i might cry if they die and so will my mom cuz she will think she made a bad call but it truthfully was me cuz i showed her the site sooo.

here are the before pics, ill get the after now.
aww....i really hope they turn out much is betta max anyway? i'd send some to ya, cuz our stores sell them....but i have no money what so ever...and i doubt my bf would go get it just to give it away....and who even kno's if it'd get there on time....maybe someone else in these forums could get ya some? :dunno:
and the after
here is the fungus bad pics srry

and another



the female isnt that bad she might make it

well there u have it, bad fast photos srry bout that, its alot worse in life.
aw tried.

maybe you could buy some bettamax from some online fish store? i'm sure theres gotta be some way to get some good meds....
yea i might hit up the "underground" hidden fish store, they are really clean and have a really nice betta set up. i bet they have it. well im just crossing my fingers.
i wonder if it would help a little bit if you manually removed some of the fungus. it actually isnt fungus but bacteria. the less bacteria you have, the less quickly it will reproduce.
i dont htink you have anyhting to lose. just be sure if you do to cover your hands in novaqua or stresscoat. tweezers might help.

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