Im About To Start My New Nano Tank, Few Pointers Needed Before I Begin

I have one of the orca tl-450's

Once you have everything set up I would also reccomend getting some fine filter wool (about 99p from anywhere) and putting it in the return chamber, Because when you add the extra powerhead you will see some real water movment lol and lots of crud gets thrown up and goes through the system. Then just wash it out every few days (don't put too much in though otherwise it will back up and overflow the chambers lol)

Apart from that I would leave the skimmer off for the first few weeks otherwise it just throws loads of microbubbles into the tank as it has nothing to skim for the first little while.

These are really great tanks though
ive read about this micro bubble problem, my lfs has his set up, started it new everything, and he hasnt had a problem, i think ill try it, if it fails ill do like u say lol.

he has put the pump in last chamber then a power head to the left hands side under the spray bar, is this a good idea? would there be a better postion or is it trial and error

Might b getting tank 2mo :) :) :)
The bubble problem is hit and miss some people have it and some don't

I don't think it really matters where you put the powerhead, I also have mine on a timer just to mix up the flow a bit. just turns on and off every few hours

Good luck and I hope you get it!

ive read about this micro bubble problem, my lfs has his set up, started it new everything, and he hasnt had a problem, i think ill try it, if it fails ill do like u say lol.

he has put the pump in last chamber then a power head to the left hands side under the spray bar, is this a good idea? would there be a better postion or is it trial and error

Might b getting tank 2mo :) :) :)
For fish im consdering either 1 or 2 small clowns or 2 yellow tail damsels. opinions on this?

What would be a good CUC to add how many of each etc works best.

Thanks alot - been great help 2 me so far

As for a cleanup crew, a rule of thumb i've heard (isnt this hobby great? every piece of info is "i've heard this" or "someone told me that" ;)) is one crab per gallon. I personally dont have that many. I have 6 hermits and 6 snails for 10 gallons. Of those, make sure you split up the types, you don't want a tank full of crabs that eat one type of food and have them compete for food and starve. i picked 3 Scarlet reef hermits, though i wouldnt reccommend that many, they are really lazy and dont do much work from what i've seen. I also have 3 blue legged hermits. these guys are workhorses. i like them. there are many other types you could concievable go with though. Once i added my first fish, i also added a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp. I really like him, he adds a lot of personality to the tank. and he's good at picking up food that the fish doesnt finish off.

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