Im A Little Worried...

you never saw an exploding 6ft tank then....... ok thats enough from me about it. but pls be careful (now out of fatherly lecturing mode)
How would it explode :crazy: Now I am scared....

I must say I do take a few risks on things (not diy haha) I pulled my sump tank half out with nothing to support it to put something in it! my lfs nearly freaked when I told them :lol: I guess I dont think things through properly....
You got a picture of the gap where the tank is Weez?
Is there a hood on your tank?
Has the light got to be down below the hood level?
Is the tank braced?

I have my light unit on acrylic bars across the tank, is that possible?
You could buy some of the metal cups that are used for wardrobe hanging rails, and then I would maybe put 2 poles up and spread the load.

Was just thinking about it, what do you mean acrylic bars? Are they really close to the tank as I wanted a gap to get some circulation in there, they are 3x 150w so think they will get hot! Also see if I can see those wardrobe metal cups (no idea what you mean haha) but how would I have it on 2 poles with only one suspension unit?
I will try and get a photo in a bit. They are about one inch square bars that sit across the braces so the light unit is just a few cm above the water surface. I don't see any change in temperature between lights being on and off though. I don't think they really affect it and thats 6x39w that almost fill the top of the tank as its a 2 foot 11 inch unit on top of a 37" tank.
Oh right! I have a foot (6 inches either side) free so the air can circulate there, I just heard that halides are better suspended higher about a foot above the tank!
Also there are small flaps that move by the lights which may restrict the light when on bars.

Oh its still secure when Ive got home from work haha!
Ok I didn't realise it was MH thought it was a T5 box with a flat bottom with acrylic cover, best forget my idea then.
20mm galv steel conduit. Or 25mm with a separate 20mm inside for extra load bearing support. Not that you'd need it.

Still think you should go with my idea of 2 20mm rods saddled to the back of the tank with 90 degree bends coming over the top to give it the floating look. You could even adjust the height of it afterwards by simply loosening the saddles sliding the poles higher/lower and then re tightening.

10 min job. Job done!

Or just replace the existing pole with a 20mm length of galv.

I've told you what to do with that lead in your journel so make sure you do as, if you have one, RCD's will trip and not reset until it's unplugged....................and your tank is without power.

Thanks woody!
I will get some of that conduit whatever that is asap! Im going B&Q tonight so will have a look what they have! :good:

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