I'm A Little Worried About My Bgk


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I have a juvenile BGK (black ghost knife) fish. It's maybe 2 or 5 inches long. I'm kinda worried about it's behavior. I've had it for a few months so ya know I'm a little attached to it. It's probly the most interesting fish I've ever had, great "centerpiece" fish.

Anyway, it's coming out to say Hi pretty often now. Which worries me a little. I used to have an elephant nose fish and it did the same stuff, it started to come out alot just before it died. I doubt if I have anything to worry about but I'd like to know if this is fairly normal for this fish.
2 or 5 inches? There's a lot of difference there :p

I wouldnt worry if it's coming out a lot, mine does that too and has done for a very long time. As long as he has some place to hide when he wants to he should be fine.
My BGK would immediately come out of its tube when it "sensed" movement from the other fish when they were feeding. It would always come to the same spot at the top and I would hand feed it.
2 or 5 inches? There's a lot of difference there :p

I wouldnt worry if it's coming out a lot, mine does that too and has done for a very long time. As long as he has some place to hide when he wants to he should be fine.

LOL I meant 4 or 5 inches, it was late when I made the post...

Anyway, it likes to get in it's ghost house.

I'd like to hand feed it but I can't.

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