I'm a horrible person


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Through the help of this forum, I realized my tank had parasites and I got some medication for it. The bottle said "one drop per gallon and tank will clear in a week." I read as "one drop per gallon for one week." Anyway, I dosed on my second day and all this fish were dead within two hours. (I didn't just sit and watch them die, I medicated, went to a two-hour meeting and they were dead when I got home). Well, I just hope that they died fast and just fell asleep and weren't burned to death or something horrible. I guess my point is just to remind people to read and reread the directions of anything that you add to your tank, I wish I had. :byebye:
aww sorry to hear that sorrell butdont think your a horrible person you did it by accident ,these things happen.Sorry bout your fishies . :(
Sorry sorrel, that sucks so bad. My fish were nearly killed by a bad batch of anti fungus and fin rot but I noticed and water changed 100% immediatley and they all survibed fine. Whcih tank was it?? What fish did you lose :(
Hey, we have all made mistakes where the fish have paid the price. The fact that you are willing to share this with everyone shows that the fish were very important to you and you are reminding all of us to take time and research things properly. You most certainly are not a horrible person, just a caring person that made an error. Chin up :)
:X Sorry to hear about that....and no, you ARE NOT a horrible person....people just make mistakes sometimes. We learn from them. :nod:
we've all been there :( .....or somewhere near there..... -_- ...... or on our way there :unsure: .....
now i'm confused :huh:

if it makes you feel better i lost a shark due to my own neglegence :X
(not that you were neglegent.... ahhh :crazy: hard to talk with foot in mouth!)
its name was scaliwag and it was beautiful
i gave it its own tank to spoil it, but i had to hook up a new heater
i checked it every half our on the dot, being parinoid that i would boil my baby,
sometime in the middle of the night, in the few seconds it took to open the lid and pull out the thermometer the shark jumped out trying to get back to its old tank :-(
i didn't even take the time to check and found it dried into the carpet the next morning
i tried to save it and desperately ran and grabbed a net but it was imbedded into the carpet
i cried for days and called my mom to come over and get it out of the carpet cause i couldn't even look at the carpet for the rest of the day :byebye:

happens to the best of us :(

:rip: scaliwag
:rip: your little fishes
Sorry about your loss. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Its obvious you care about your pets. ;)
No, you are not a horrible person. You did what you thought was best for your fish. Only the directions were misread. No malice there. Live and learn. Hope that the families thos fish came from don't sue you for malpractice. *just a little humor to cheer you up* The next fish you get will be in better hands with you next time.
Thanks guys, I do feel better now, but it was pretty stupid to not reread directions before I added the second dose. It was my 29, and it had 6 swordtails and 8 platies. Now it's empty. What do I do now? I pulled my filter cartridges to treat, if I put them back will they clean out the meds, or do I need to start over.
Sorry to hear about your fishies - accidents happen.

With regard to your tank - do a water change, put some carbon in your filter to get rid of all remaining meds and get new fishies. Take out the carbon after two weeks.
oh im sorry...dont feel too bad a mistake is a mistake. we stuffed up with meds nearly a year ago & ended up anaesthetising our tiger barbs for 4 days.im not kidding we knocked them out cold with the stuff ( thought we'd killed them)we used for fin rot & fungus. none of our other fish were affected just the barbs. thankfully after 4 days they 'woke up' & have been fine ever since but we were bloody lucky & learnt our lesson.(worse thing is i give drugs to humans every day in my job............aaaaargh if that doesnt scare you!!!) :unsure:
Hi Sorrell :)

I'm so sorry about your loss. :byebye:

But it's easy to make a mistake where medicines are concerned. May I ask what product was involved? :unsure:

I would keep the tank going and give it a good vacuuming and water change. If you took out half of the water in the process, that would put the medicine in the water back at the safe level, at least. Then the rest could be removed with charcoal in the filter and another good water change before adding more fish. It would be a shame to have to recycle the tank, too.

I'd just add a few fish at first, to be on the safe side. :nod:
I just did a 75% change and vaccuumed really well. I also found a platy that's still kickin' so I added some cycle and stress zyme. The product just has a label aquarium produts and it contains formaldehyde and malachite green. So basically I preserved them well. I didn't buy this, I borrowed it when I figured out we had a parasite and that I live in podunk nowhere with no stores that sell meds. Thanks for all your kind words, I really appreciate it. My husband figured I'd be banned if I told you all this. :crazy:
oh good luck with your platy..of course you wouldnt be banned you were trying to do the best for your fish. we all do dumb things with the best intentions..........dont give up im sure any fish that end up in any of your tanks will have the BEST of care :)

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