I'm A Granny Again!


New Member
Sep 21, 2007
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just went upstairs to let my new fish outta his bag and when i was there i saw something dart past my eyes, and never saw it again, then i was just puttin the lid back on the tank and there it was again, swimming along quite the thing!

dunno what fish it came from because none of them look pregnant, one was pregnant but all her babies died except one which either went into hiding when i let it outta the breeding net or was eaten and if this is the same one then it hasn't gotten any bigger, just changed colour! but if it's not that one then i've no idea what fish is pregnant or havin babies!!

Got it in my breeding net now and on the lookout for anymore but as i say no sign of any pregnant fish in there at all!

I've got 2 mollies (one was the mother of the last lot of fry), 5 guppies and my new siamese fighter in the tank, guppies are supposed to be male but he sorta looks the colour of the guppies!
Got any pic's? IMAO, molly fry will already be colored up when born. Guppies are greyish brown, and then get their color later on.
i've not got pics sorry, he's still too small to get a good pic! when my molly had fry they were silver like her when they were born, this one is more brown/black, although i've a black molly and a silver molly in the tank, i'm sure they're both female, in which case it must be a guppy baby! i'll keep an eye on it and see what happens! still no more this morning tho!

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