There are many different contraptions floating around to hatch brineshrimp in, but all I use is a 1ltr lemonade bottle with the neck cut off, I fill this to about 2/3 full of tap water and add one tablespoon of Cooking Salt (not Table Salt). This needs to be held at a temperature of around 75 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of around 8.0 (If your tap water is below 7.5 then add a very tiny amount of Bicarbonate of Soda to the mix). 5ml of brineshrimp eggs are then added to the saline mix and an air stone is inserted to keep the eggs in suspension. A light source needs to be left on 24/7 to activate the hatching mechanism, I use an 11w energy saver type which gives of the equivalent light of a 60w normal bulb. If all the above criteria are adhered to then the eggs should hatch in 24 - 36 hours. To feed the nauplii I suck up enough for one feed using a glass eyedropper and strain this through a cotton handkerchief over a jam-jar. I flush the brineshrimp with fresh water, again via an eyedropper to remove some of the saline solution. Then I dip the handkerchief into the fry tank.