Ill siamese fighters: ongoing prob?!?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I've looked for answers, but cant find any, so...

I have (rather, had) 1 male, and 2 female siamese fighters (got them 2 days ago). One female has died. the other looks ill - and the male isnt all that good either.

The female that died, looked like she had lost her scales? either that, or they were covered by a white'ish mucus?? - other than that she looked fine. The other female is now appearing whiteish - but appears to be acting normal so far. As for the male, he seems "down". His gills look like thay come out of his body. The tank is more than sufficiantly airated. I dont believe this is a due to "new fish" as in the past, a previous male siamese went the same way java script:emoticon(':no:').

any ideas? treatments?

Tank details:

Juwel Rio 180 (180l capacity)

Temp: 27c
Nitrate: < 5mg/l to 0 mg/l
gh: 12
ph: 6.5 / 7

3 blue gourami (2 male, 1 female)
2 dwarf gourami (1 male, 1 female)
1 male siamese, 1 female
8 neon tetras
3 clown loaches
1 plec
4 guppies (now with 5/6 fry)

water changes:
once a week. 25-30%

help? java script:emoticon(':sad:')

any and all help welcomed!!! thanks!
maybe they where taken out of a disease infected tank and they carry a disease they could even pass it on to ur other fish. so watch the other carfully!!!! :nod:
maybe, but all the fish in the tank they came from appeared fine!

they are in the same tank, but i've been watching close, they dont appear to fight. the male follows her, and shows off tho!

here's a pic of her. its a really crap photo, but u can see the worst area's of her body.

img tag isnt working properly? maybe me? i dunno!!? so you can see it here
if the male looks like his scales are sticking out then he has drospy does he look bloated I would suggest that you put him in a gram negative and gram positive antibiotic maracyn 1 and 2 is great I have mine in right now and he was nearly dead he had his scales sticking out and red sores all over him and I got him almost well. as for the white slime that should help it to. It is hard to house the males and females together. they will more than likely fight when they get to feeling better.
ok, so the female has died. She appeared to be getting better too :angry:

I've considered dropsey, and slime, but the symptons fit internal bacterial infection the best, also the idea from my LFS. So, i treated accordingly. 1 day after the treatment, the female died. A day later, the male died! but he was fine - until he died. And, he had no visable symptoms!!!!? :crazy:

I guess it doesnt matter now, as i have no bettas anymore :sad:
But, i'm still baffeled, and haven't learnt from it all??
sorry to hear about your bettas dying how are your other fish doing are they showing signs of illness due to the fact all of your bettas dying off they had something that can be spread to the other fish, that is the reason ehy when I get new fish I put them in my hospital tank for three weeks just to watch them and make sure they dont bring any diease to my other fish. I would keep a close eye on my other fish for the next couple of weeks just to be on the safe side. And once again sorry to hear about your bettas.

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