Ill Cory


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
st.helens, merseyside england
One of my two corys is hurt,
he has a red mark behind his pectrol fin (lowest fin that he has) toward the rear of his body, going from behind what I think is his belly in a vertical line to his top fin.

on other side he has a very red belly.

he is eating and swimming around ok and still bullying the remaining fish so has he been fighting or is he ill,

i cant get a photo of him cause he is ashy fish anyways, but it looks like a cut, any ideaS?
Sadly it sounds like the poor fish has this, this is the 5 case in two days, and my fish has red patch, but it's now healing fingers crossed.Not the writer of this information below.


Fish may have reddening at fin bases, blood streaks throughout the fins and body, small hemorrhages around the eyes. Dull listless behavior and lack of appetite may also be present.


Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.


Water conditions must be improved for all fish in the tank, regardless of how many fish are infected. Check your water’s Treat with Kanacyn or Tetracycline as well as with a medicated food if the fish will eat. If parasites are suspected, all the fish in the tank should be treated with antiparasitic medication. Using salt to help restore osmotic balance might be helpful.
Abit more info for you, not the writer of this either.
Septicemia- A condition where bacteria gains entry into the fish's body through wounds or the stomach. The bacteria can cause failure of the internal organs, damage to body tissue, blood vessels, and result in recognizable symptoms. This often results in internal bleeding, due to the fluids filling the fish's abdomen. Dropsy may occur as a result. The problem with this type of situation is that the bacteria is present inside the fish and safe from the antibiotics you would place in the water. It could be the result of another infection or caused from dirty water. Symptoms: Clamped fins, bulging eyes, red bellies, eroding, reddened fins, lack of appetite, and fish showing signs of being sluggish or exhibiting sluggish behavior. Treatment: It is best to feed the fish antibiotics rather than using the kinds you place directly into the water. Placing the ill fish in a hospital tank is advised while administering treatment. Check your local petstore for some good medicated food or check for antibiotics if necessary. Septicemia is fatal if not treated immediately! top

You will need interpet internal bacteria med, good luck, only can get antibiotics in this counry from a vet.
heres my water tests:

ammonia 0,
nitrite 0,
nitrate 5,
ph 7.4

i got a look at him and it looks like a cut cause when you view him from the rear you can knida see into it, cant get a photo of the wee beastie he moves too quaickly, should i put him in a floating tank on his own?
The cut could of caused the red belly septicemia, yes issolate him, to save him you will have to act fast with the interpet med, do you have an bacteria meds in the cuboard.
well I have found the problem

My father has added a small stone into the tank which has a very sharp edge to it. I now know this cuase i just spent the last three hours in the a&e department!

now I have two fish hurt by this rock (which has been removed) sadly one was a male guppie whom lost most his tail, not holding out any hopes for him....

anyway how do i help these guys? they must be in sooo much pain

please advise? shud i put them both away from the others or just hope for the best?
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet, good luck
Good, sorry for the loss of the guppy, R.I.P.

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