Iis This Tanks Is Ok For 10 Cardinal Tetras And A Male Betta

welcom to the forum :good:
sorry mate the tank isnt right for fish.
i cant think of any thing which would be suited too this tank.
its too narrow for a start and there isnt enough area on the base for bottom dweller.
hope this helps
Like I said.... get you some vertical wood, maybe put some moss on it, some other plants on the (tiny) bottom of the tank and LOADS of colorful shrimp...............
Regardless of whether its kind to fish because of the lack of depth - I would worry about gas exchange for oxygen at the surface. Think you might have a little trouble there?? I'm no expert, though.

a mist stone would do ok i thought..

welcom to the forum :good:
sorry mate the tank isnt right for fish.
i cant think of any thing which would be suited too this tank.
its too narrow for a start and there isnt enough area on the base for bottom dweller.
hope this helps

ta for the input mate.. :good:

Like I said.... get you some vertical wood, maybe put some moss on it, some other plants on the (tiny) bottom of the tank and LOADS of colorful shrimp...............

tall tanks r waste for the shrims.. plus they are not friendly.. :look:

Other than shrimp I cant see you justifying any train of thought about putting fish in there........ :good:
You could turn it into a worm farm. They won't mind and it'd certainly be a talking point. But I wouldn't put fish in that if my life depended on it. Seriously.
You could decorate it with intesting plants ect as if it's an aquarium but just don't put any fish in it. It would still make quite a nice ornament?
Oh I give up. Tank cost me. £40 to build. Sold it for £50. Sold in 38 minutes. Waiting pickup. Thanks for the advice guys.
least you made a profit mate but as said i have to agree with the rest of them they look nice but non functional
I reckon some micro rasbora would work in there to be honest.

have a look at some of these species:

Those fish need way more room than that tank can provide, smaller fish like those and lets say zebra danios for a example need atleast 3 foot tanks (in my opinion) to shoot from one side to the other............

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