Ignored Zuccini


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
My new baby BN Plecs seem to be ignoeing the zuccini I got them. Any ideas or help for them?
Sometimes fish need time to get used to new food. I have yet to see a bristlenose not eat zuke, given time.
My new baby BN Plecs seem to be ignoeing the zuccini I got them. Any ideas or help for them?

Is it the first time you've fed them zucchini? If so it's strange to them. Take it out after 24 hours and put a fresh one in. They will eventually get used to it and devour most of it before morning.

Also with them being small they will most probably be more wary whereas a big common will just see it and after 15 mins of 'surveillance' will sit there for spells of 5 mins or so rasping away. (Or so I've found anyway)
It was the recommended diet for them by the breeder, and what they have been eating, unless I got a different kind. Should it be raw? I cut out the area that had the seeds and oelled the skin off. I am probably just being paranoid; they are so tiny. They may even be taking a lick at it when I am not looking. :unsure:

How much should 10 less than an inch w/o the tail eat? You can see their picture in the other thread.
I always keep my zuccini in the freezer, and thaw it in the microwave in a cup of water. This tends to soften it a little, you may want to try nuking it. I put it in the tank with the skin, and feed the seeds to my dog, I'm starting to think he's part plec.

I kept the fry in with the adults when I was breeding bristlenose, so I would toss in about 1/4 of a zuccini. I imagine a round slice about 1/4" thick should be fine for 10 little bristlies. :good:
I use courgette. I cut it in 2 then slice down the middle, put a fork in one end between the skin and the 'meat' and then put it in.

The 2 commons (gone next week) finish it to the skin and sometimes even the skin is gone by morning.

They will eat it when you're not looking because they feed voraciously at night when you're asleep.

(If you turn the lights off at 11-30 and watch from about 12pm, without letting them know you're there, you might see them feeding on it, and then dart away when they see you)
:lol: doggie treats!

Thanks guys!

I will do as you suggest. The breeder did advise me to freeze the zuccini after coring the seeds and slicing it. The tank is in a bit of a tough location to reach into, so I think I will tie a string to the weight in order to retrieve it. I think zuccini and courgette are the same.
when i bought my plec, there was a slice of potato in each tank, i asked what it was and was told that the plecs love it, and it sinks nice too. needs taken out after day 2 though and replaced. other fish seem to enjoy it 2.
Just out of interest, why remove the seeds? Even our couple of bristlenoses as babies didn't need any help with their courgette - no blanching, freezing or thawing - just as it comes, raw, they were like locusts! Have you seen them eat anything? Are they pooing ok?
I will try the potato, thanks, chardonnay.

I have had semi adult BN previously that survived to adulthood but died during a columnaris plague and its treatment a couple of years ago. These guys are very tiny and still can be partially seen through.

I was told that they do not eat the seeds and it eliminates the need to remove them from the tank,if they are removed before hand, Lisa. I can't see the poo as yet.

When I turned their lights on today they were being quite active and the zuccini was diminished. Of course the snails had been after it. :lol:

The tank they are in is a recently vacated qt tank and not at all planted or decorated--just a scattering of sand, a piece of wood, a Betta cave and some cloth plants. I need to change the wood and make it a bit more homey. There is a pepper Cory fry in there too and some harlequins. Some albino pepper Cory fry may show up later, from when I dumped the net fry in after the net flooded in the community tank, and all the fry but one pepper and the albinos escaped. I am try to adjust the feeding now for them all.
Malcolm didn't eat for a week after he moved in with us, maybe just give them time.

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