Ignitus Anthias


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
has anyone kept any in the past?

look great fish, my tank's about the right size for them (100G) and i'm keen to find a fish that i can keep a small group of

i understand they are on the more passive end of the anthias scale which sounds good

two issues:

a reasonably aggressive kole tang (to new additions at least which calms down after a couple of days)

a single deep sea / blotched anthias (holanthias borbonius)

do you think the attention of the tang would be too much for them when first added given that they can be difficult to get settled anyway?

what are your thoughts on the potential mix of the two species of anthias?

(there is also the problem of them being very scarce of course but that's one for another day)
No experience with this fish Unfort but I'm sure someone will post soon! :good:
From what i have gathered they are a bit hit and miss, some die within a couple of days while other that are feeding are fine. They can be quite timid. They are considered to be easier to keep than Pseudanthias dispar. I have only ever seen them for sale once at £30 each.

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