If this post changes one dog owner's mind to change from a lead to a harness then that's cool.
I had a dog. Sparky. (after Mark Hughes (when he was at united ) ) He was a mental mongrel.. erm, a cross of a Cocker Spaniel and a Collie. A beautiful, clever yet mental little dog . From his first 'walkies' he was on a lead / leash and no matter how we tried to train him not to pull.. he was determined to pull himself there and back!
And so it continued, it became kind of normal that he just.. pulled!(if only you knew then what you know now! )
He never showed signs of uncomfort or pain from his own pulling, and whenever we walked to the field we let him off to run like mad until home time and then once again.. he would pull us home..
When Sparky turned 10 years old, when we got to the point in his walkies where he went for a free run, he started to lose breath and lie down and sometimes he was even sick. This continued and worsened.
After a trip to the vets, he was eventually x-rayed and the horror of his injuries became apparent.
There are C-shaped bones/cartilage that make up the wind pipe, and through Sparky's pulling, one of these pieces had become damaged and permanently closed therefore restricting his breathing when he needed it most.
The operation to fix this had a survival rate of about 5-10%.
Sparky was put on a course of anti-inflammatories which he had for the rest of his days. It became really awful at the point where whenever Sparky became excited (walkies, food, coming home to see him) he would lose his breathe and struggle to get his breathing right and in turn it would make him sick. It was the saddest thing to witness and NOT the life for a dog.
You may all be saying how stupid I was for not thinking sooner and putting him in a harness but like I said, if I could change one thing that would be it. Every time I see someone walking a dog that is pulling on a lead I feel like telling them. If you have read this and your dog pulls.. please consider a harness
Sadly Sparky was euthanised 11/09/08
I had a dog. Sparky. (after Mark Hughes (when he was at united ) ) He was a mental mongrel.. erm, a cross of a Cocker Spaniel and a Collie. A beautiful, clever yet mental little dog . From his first 'walkies' he was on a lead / leash and no matter how we tried to train him not to pull.. he was determined to pull himself there and back!
And so it continued, it became kind of normal that he just.. pulled!(if only you knew then what you know now! )
He never showed signs of uncomfort or pain from his own pulling, and whenever we walked to the field we let him off to run like mad until home time and then once again.. he would pull us home..
When Sparky turned 10 years old, when we got to the point in his walkies where he went for a free run, he started to lose breath and lie down and sometimes he was even sick. This continued and worsened.
After a trip to the vets, he was eventually x-rayed and the horror of his injuries became apparent.
There are C-shaped bones/cartilage that make up the wind pipe, and through Sparky's pulling, one of these pieces had become damaged and permanently closed therefore restricting his breathing when he needed it most.
The operation to fix this had a survival rate of about 5-10%.
Sparky was put on a course of anti-inflammatories which he had for the rest of his days. It became really awful at the point where whenever Sparky became excited (walkies, food, coming home to see him) he would lose his breathe and struggle to get his breathing right and in turn it would make him sick. It was the saddest thing to witness and NOT the life for a dog.
You may all be saying how stupid I was for not thinking sooner and putting him in a harness but like I said, if I could change one thing that would be it. Every time I see someone walking a dog that is pulling on a lead I feel like telling them. If you have read this and your dog pulls.. please consider a harness
Sadly Sparky was euthanised 11/09/08