If You Have Moonlight, You Need Glofish


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2010
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Dominican Republic
I just install some moonlight to my tank and WOW is amazing how glofish look under blue light, they glow really nice.

I'll try to catch some pics tomorrow night.
Yes it is pretty sweet. But the UK members cannot get them. Banned by the govt.
Australians cannot get them either...banned
That's right just came back from visiting a few Aquariums in Melbourne Australia and they all told me the same thing.. Banned, Banned, Banned.

I would like to know - those who do have GLOFISH - what Countries are you guys in? And are they freely available for purchase? Anyone know why they are banned in some countries? They have told me that they are a genetically modified species and may have issues?
not banned in america - us americans and our liberal dictators and tyrants-sorry i meant governors and presidents have no common sense but even so its pointless to ban them.
California they are not permitted
ive been reading up on them and only a few fish out of the millions of glofish out there ever need to be dyed. then their offspring are already colored and so are their offspring. so that means only a few fish need to possibly suffer - then from then on you have glofish. only a few are ever modified, so its a waste of time and money to ban them. but tatooed and painted fish, well, they need to go.
No fish suffered in the creation of glofish ever, eggs had jellyfish DNA added, this spliced into their genetic makeup and is now a permanant part of them and as such is passed onto their young. They no longer need to do the DNA adding to eggs.

They are banned in some places because the countries/states require a study to be done. The people who invented the Glofish do not want to go through the expense to do the study so the countries/states in question banned them
Almost every petstore in Washington and Oregon has them. I'm not a big fan since they just look to fake to me.
In Dominican Republic they are available everywere, and local bredeers bred then in mass, right now the stock is short cause we had a earlier colder than normal winter and most of the bredders didn't cath this on time and most of the fish died.

I really like how they look and there should be more experiments of this kind, i think, is better to sell fish from a lab than take then from the wild, this way wild kind stay for a lot of time.
Yes, in South Carolina, USA, every Petsmart and Petco (major chain stores) have loads of Glofish restocked every week. It's true that the eggs were genetically modified - no dye - and then some of those were used as breeding stock to create generations just like any other fish. What I like about them, besides the really active coloration in the tank, is that they are Zebras in every respect but color. So they shoal together with Zebra Danios and have good interaction. I currently have 3 glofish and 3 zebras.
Right so I'm in the UK and in my local LFS he has a tank of what I think are fancy goldfish.....but they're pastel colours. They're green, pink or blue. I've always thought they look a bit wrong myself but are they actually illegal here coz I can only assume they've been dyed?
Right so I'm in the UK and in my local LFS he has a tank of what I think are fancy goldfish.....but they're pastel colours. They're green, pink or blue. I've always thought they look a bit wrong myself but are they actually illegal here coz I can only assume they've been dyed?

No goldfish are naturally Blue/Pink/Green.
I think you should alert someone about this?
Right so I'm in the UK and in my local LFS he has a tank of what I think are fancy goldfish.....but they're pastel colours. They're green, pink or blue. I've always thought they look a bit wrong myself but are they actually illegal here coz I can only assume they've been dyed?

They're dyed. It's a horrible process for the fish, but all you can do is avoid buying them.
They have loads of dyed fish in my LFS and they've only recently started stocking them.
They've got painted glass fish, painted tetras, painted corys and painted barbs but they call them 'pink barbs' or 'disco fish' so people don't realise.
It isn't illegal, but it should be. The dye only actually lasts 6-9 months, and stunts the growth of most young fish. The puncture it leaves is also very prone to infection.
The only reason they do it is to make the fish look more attractive to consumers.
Makes them look artificial, if you ask me.

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